Right Guys

I didn't like Evile when I first heard them.
I didn't like Slayer when I first heard them.
I didn't like Iron Maiden when I first heard them.
Or Pantera

Now they're all in my top 5.
I remember reading about people having Megadeth as a favourite band and I just couldn't understand it... Now they're my fav, funny how that worked out.
Here's Ol's post on the review.

Ol - Evile // Sep 23, 2009 at 10:04 am

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Like said before, this is a review.

I appreciate Mark actually taking the time to listen to the album and give his thoughts on it (I met him for an interview and found him to be a nice guy). After all he’s being honest, although being honest myself, I find some of the review to be more of an ‘attack’ on the band/genre, and almost an insult at times, rather than solely a review of the music. But those are his thoughts and he’s free to say so.

People have a right to not like our band, as we have the same right to not care if someone doesn’t.

We never claim to “re-invent Thrash” or be some kind of flag bearers. I think that’s a common misconception people have about us. We just play music we love to play, and the people we play to, love it. It’s as simple as that for me.

It’s like saying you can’t play/write classical music because it’s not the 1700s, or “it’s all unoriginal, Mozart did it better” - wrong; people love playing classical music and still write it because it’s a passion they have, just like we have a passion for playing Thrash and Metal. We just happen to have been signed and are releasing albums.

Thankyou to Mark for voicing an honest opinion (if at times I find to be harsh), and Thankyou to our fans for enjoying what we enjoy doing.
guys it was a bad review, its an opinion just like yours or mine, doesnt mean its right or wrong. twas a bit crazy rushing to comment on it en masse and flame the dude...

thankyou for wanting to stand up for evile though, makes me proud you would do that. but, there wasn't really any need :)
Well don't get me wrong, its a review and because its a review that entitles the guy to say whatever he wants. However, I just feel it was exceptionally unfair with some of thethings he was saying, and therefore I want to kick him in the nuts.
He remained very professional whilst giving his opinion, which can't be faulted.
I however went on the rampage because I felt like he was insulting the guys, I get angry quickly haha.
you can't help it, you're a scott. come to think of it, my grandad is scottish, and he had a temper as well.
guys it was a bad review, its an opinion just like yours or mine, doesnt mean its right or wrong. twas a bit crazy rushing to comment on it en masse and flame the dude...

thankyou for wanting to stand up for evile though, makes me proud you would do that. but, there wasn't really any need :)

Thats what you get when someone writes utter rubbish, I could understand it if he was solely commenting on the album but he wasn't

He was just spouting innaccurate facts and what else could we do, we couldn't let that one go.

Ok going in en-masse was slightly overboard but hey, we love you guys and we care and the last thing we would want to see is any new potential Evile fans being turned off by that guys innacurate and misleading review.

As the old saying goes

"I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it"

Who ever said that should have at least added "as long it is constructive and not misleading"