Sorry to dust out this topic, but it's been almost like nine years since i've been here and posted on this forum and in this thread ... Look at that time goin' heh? 
Right hand fingering ... Well, four finger technique did not work. Too much effort and too small output ... but that's me. Anyhow, I' ve changed directon of music, began playing jazz and contemporary and guess what? THE BEST technique i found to be most ground shaking, usefull, effortless and speedy is ... two fingers. Yes, the index and middle fingers rule. In any type of way - check out Jeff Berlin i.e. For those who want thee finger technique - there was this dude here, saying that a pattern like this - 1213 - works. He was right. With triplets too, eventualy ... it's just a matter of time. I strongly recomend this pattern, it's quick to obtain, very usefull, easy to master, with maximum output (control, power, e.t.c.)
Sincerely, Martin

Right hand fingering ... Well, four finger technique did not work. Too much effort and too small output ... but that's me. Anyhow, I' ve changed directon of music, began playing jazz and contemporary and guess what? THE BEST technique i found to be most ground shaking, usefull, effortless and speedy is ... two fingers. Yes, the index and middle fingers rule. In any type of way - check out Jeff Berlin i.e. For those who want thee finger technique - there was this dude here, saying that a pattern like this - 1213 - works. He was right. With triplets too, eventualy ... it's just a matter of time. I strongly recomend this pattern, it's quick to obtain, very usefull, easy to master, with maximum output (control, power, e.t.c.)
Sincerely, Martin