Picking hand, index finger get sore/irritated?


Nov 15, 2007
Sorry if this isn't the right forum, I thought it'd be most suitable here.

I use Jazz III picks.

So recently when i've played guitar for a little while (maybe 2-4 songs) my index finger starts to get really sore and turns a bit red. It is super annoying, and i've never had this problem in my earlier years of playing, it started recently.

Outlined it from a googleimage's picture (+ a little bit more out to the tip):


What the shit is going on? Anyone have any similar experiences etc?

I tried using new picks, same thing, as it maybe could be some oil that irritated my hand.
It happens...deal with it? ;) It's just from the pressure...I could tell you to use lighter strings or don't pick as hard but that wouldn't be very good advice.
It happens...deal with it? ;) It's just from the pressure...I could tell you to use lighter strings or don't pick as hard but that wouldn't be very good advice.

I like to use good pressure strings, and I pick fairly hard..

My guess is that you're putting too much pressure on the index finger. So loosen the grip.

..So yeah, I can try to loosen the grip. I wonder if my finger will adapt to my hard picking? Because I have had several days of not playing the last month, so maybe i'm just "out of shape".

I'd be more concerned about your vagina

What is this madness?
Sorry if this isn't the right forum, I thought it'd be most suitable here.

I use Jazz III picks.

So recently when i've played guitar for a little while (maybe 2-4 songs) my index finger starts to get really sore and turns a bit red. It is super annoying, and i've never had this problem in my earlier years of playing, it started recently.

Outlined it from a googleimage's picture (+ a little bit more out to the tip):


What the shit is going on? Anyone have any similar experiences etc?

I tried using new picks, same thing, as it maybe could be some oil that irritated my hand.

Jazz picks are for pussies ... be a man use a real pick....

I'd be more concerned about your vagina
:lol: Holy shit I just peed a little.

on topic:
My picking hand's index finger also gets sore sometimes. It happens when I don't play much for a few weeks but goes away after 2-3 days.
Also my fingertips of the fretting hands fucking hurt SO MUCH when I started playing again after a whole year :cry: (seriously)

When I told the other bandmates they called me a pussy, too :D
Thanks for the feedback jipchen, as I thought it's probably because I haven't played alot as stated, but i'll try to change my grip too.
1: Fap with your picking hand and concentrate on your thumb and index finger, let them slide loosely but maintaining a sufficient grip.

2: Do the twist to loosen shit up.

3: Let 10 to 15 mins go by, do your stretches.

4: Warm up, pay attention to your index and thumb. Remember what you learned from fapping.

5: Go BrOOtz! Epic riffs commence!