Right into the bliss...


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Nov 14, 2001
birmingham UK
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This to me is one of the most important songs ever, as it just seems to have the most depressing riff, the most sorrowful infinite feel somehow, and the chorus is angelic and makes me want to suck jonas' nob.

That is saying something for a guy who isn't gay.(not a lot but at least it is saying something)

please tell me im not wrong on this one.

It's just that there's something fucking AWESOME that happens when the opening riff kicks off. only two notes, and yet its like a clarion call....
Very few songs with that simple and reptitive of a riff can enchant me, after all I'm a prog fan...such is Anders Nystrom's great talent and one of Katatonia's gifts to the listener. Right Into The Bliss was one of the songs that helped convert me into a major fan. Of course, the emotional aspect is just as important, and Jonas' vocals are especially striking here.
ok Mr Gay, i mean taranis, just kidding. its a great song, and i love the chorus. its not their best, but it is great. :D i think they played it live when i saw them and it had a good efeect on the crowd.

anyway welcome to the board and vote in the song survivor :D
apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys the brilliance of this song. the intro blew my mind when i first heard it and it still has the same effect. the chorus is also "just too good" to be true. this is one of the best on the td album

btw i've got a new neat avatar.