Yes, exactly my thoughts.Hey guys, thanks to those with kind words for us... but honestly, why would we even be compared to StS? We are NOTHING alike in any way. It's like arguing what is a better color, Red or Blue. Just sort of silly if you ask me.
If you compare them to reggae, you bet they are. But as far as "dark" metal goes, I think they are fairly different.Nay, red all the way...
Sorry, I had to state the truth on that.
I think Swallow the Sun and Daylight Dies are pretty alike in ways, though. Of course, not exactly, but they share similarities for sure.
I'm now listening to the Slumber album for the 2nd time, seems like a buyer.Slumber are a swedish melodic Doom/Death band with a lot of keyboard layers. Kinda like Draconian, but better IMO. Mourning Beloveth are slow, sorrowful, heavy and epic as hell with DEEP growls.
Slumber has one cd out called "Fallout" and my MB favourite is "The Sullen Sulcus"