right now i'm witnessing somebody noodle dancing while seated at a library computer

When a hippie listens to their hippie "jams", he shakes back and forth in all his chromosomal lacking glory, creating the illusion of a serious aneurysm. This act is called "Noodle Dancing".
Ahhh. So a person finding happiness in this insufferable world is reason to be angry to the point of venting on a bulletin board?

Matt, what seems to be troubling you really?!? Have a moment with me in the RIA booth of confessions.
oh man one time I was at a Sleepytime Gorilla Museum show (go figure) and there was this anorexic...man chick thing wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms. In one hand she had a badminton racket and in the other hand she had a plunger. she proceeded to "noodle dance" I guess around the floor. She also had black makeup around her eyes (because she's kvlt?). She smelled bad too if I remember correctly.

goddamn hippies.
Matt, what seems to be troubling you really?!?

i think the worst part about noodle dancing is the look they get on their faces like they're connecting with the mystical healing spirit of rhythm. what the fuck, it's just string cheese incident. crawl back to the foul pit from whence you were spawned, hippie scum :mad:
dude, you should come to this school. you would kill yourself. i used to think i was sort of a hippie, and i guess that's why i came here. i guess i just care about the Earth a lot, because I fucking hate this place and most of the people here.

edit: it is winter now, but you should see this place when it's warm. probably 50 noodle-dancing kids at any given time, and there's only like 500 residents here.
There was a walkout protest against the war at Rutgers today...noodling as far as the eye could see.
eh, in a few years they'll be standing just behind the pit sipping their beers and nodding their heads just like the rest of us 'grownups'