rightio fanboys

Here you find pages about the unjust Trianon "Peace Treaty", that reshaped Central Europe and the Balkans after World War I to favour the interests of France, England, and Russia. You may think this Peace Treaty is uninteresting in history. Unfortunately, it's effects are living. This is why NATO is bombing Yugoslavia today, or why Chechoslovakia is not existing any more, or why 3 million Hungarians in Slovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia still don't have the minority rights that were assigned to them in the Peace Treaty. Remember, this is not about Greater Hungary, but about the whole region. About all the people who were placed without plesbicites into another country they were born into, and suffered grave injustice, and their suffering is not at all eased by bombing done by the countries who created the friction. As Clemenceau declared cynically: "The peace treaties are yet another means to continue war."

It is our best hope and interest to work together on the economical and cultural growth of the region, to eliminate chauvinism, powered by poverty.

Scroll down!
thanks for the link Interview Dunc.

Sellouts !!

I do see the portishead resemblance. Though one band really comes to mind when listening to 'a natural disaster': Radiohead. I'm not a big fan of theirs, but it seems like Danny is....or someone is. Not to mention, I'm amazed at the vocal production on this album. It's unlike anything I've ever heard.
tempusmori said:
I do see the portishead resemblance. Though one band really comes to mind when listening to 'a natural disaster': Radiohead. I'm not a big fan of theirs, but it seems like Danny is....or someone is. Not to mention, I'm amazed at the vocal production on this album. It's unlike anything I've ever heard.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrghhhhhh.stop comparing..stooop..there are thousands of threads for the *heads* now...ya but you're right about the vocals and all...again then greaat album!-but no more *heads* plz:)