

Anssi Tenhunen
Alright, I have to admit that ringmodulation is one of the first effects that I just can't figure out a single setting how not to make it sound like ass. I watched some youtube videos of ring modulator pedal demos and I think all of them sounded like ass too. I read from wikipedia that they were used in the early electronic music, but can someone point out like any usable use for this effect? Like does it sound good on single notes, chords, percussive notes, held notes, on pure sine wave or what?
I love ring modulation, but I can never find a use for it. I can only think of hearing it on the intro of a Stabbing Westward song, seems like Torn Apart was the song. Only a few seconds though.

Pretty much has to be used on single notes, chords are an utterly disgusting mess. I almost want to say that you have to write a piece using the effect, it's not really an effect that you can put on something already written and sound right.

I would like a good ring mod plugin. I'd love a pedal for guitar, but they're always like $300 plus and would get next to no use.
The ring mod on the CS80 is godly. Though technically it's a really fast amplitude modulation. Attack, decay, depth, speed and modulation, all tweakable in real time and just sounding so.. organic. Sure it's just atonal clangy mess at the extremes (I happen to like that..), but applied slightly, you can create movement, warbles and rhythmic beating to sounds. Too bad there's no external input for it.

Best use IMO is in Vangelis' (who else?) track Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria (Into Eternity) off of 1492: Conquest of Paradise soundtrack. The CS80 solo at the end with the ringmod going wild and panning around.. mmmmmmmmm..... (starting at 6:50)

But other than that, it's used to create bell sounds. Dialed properly, you can sort of play some weird melodies with it. But to me, the real kick is to play with the speed while going bonkers.

BTW, the weird clangy swooshes in the Dr Who theme was created with a CS80 ..
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