RIP Charlton Heston

Just saw this. A shame, even if he was a conservative goofball. I met him in 1996 at a book signing. We spoke extensively (him: "I hope you enjoy it"; me: "thanks") and parted on good terms.

One less Hollywood great left. I think after Bacall and Rooney they're probably all gone by now. The big, big names, anyway.
wasn't a huge fan of his.

especially his senile insane rants over the past few years.

but he did do some good films.

not many of his lot left, so it does mark the literal ending of an era of entertainment.
Tonight on the news they said he was "perhaps Hollywood's greatest leading man". I don't think anyone in their right mind would make that claim. Greater than Marlon Brando, Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart?? Gimme a break, he had a good run of movies but I don't think anyone really took him that seriously as an actor.

Which isn't to say he didn't rule in some films (he was great in Planet of the Apes) but he was more famous because of the films he was in rather than his performances in them.
But anyway, how many stars from the 40s and 50s (and earlier) are still around? I'd say the only ones you could really call genuine stars are:

Elizabeth Taylor
Mickey Rooney
Lauren Bacall

There are a few more (Ernest Borgnine, Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland, to name three) but I think those three above would be the most famous.