The Gunners are coming.

L.A. GUNS To Tour Australia In October - June 19, 2007

According to Saviours Of Rock, the L.A. GUNS version featuring vocalist Phil Lewis will play the following dates in Australia in October:

Oct. 24 - Club Phoenix – Brisbane, AUS
Oct. 25 - Manning Bar - Sydney, AUS
Oct. 26 - Corner Hotel - Melbourne, AUS
Oct. 27 - Night Train - Adelaide, AUS

L.A. GUNS are continuing to tour in support of their latest album, "Tales from the Strip", which was released in August 2005 in the U.S. via Shrapnel Records. The CD, which was produced by Andy Johns (LED ZEPPELIN, THE ROLLING STONES), is said to be lyrically inspired by a historically significant rock scene that L.A. GUNS had a strong hand in creating.
Honestly, anyone who could think that were biased going into it. They put on a massive show! They didn't just stand there or anything.. there was no way you could call it 'boring'.
Maybe he was, I couldnt really say, he does like his rock though... Anyways you loved it and thats what counts dude. You got your Sabbath tix yet, if not you better hurry.:rock:
Where the fuck's Trent? I saw the singer from his band at Friday's show, but havenae seen Trent in person or on here for yonks.
A small report from the second Brisbane show (heard the first one was awful, people booing Axl, etc):

* Was right in the centre, about three from the front, for Rose Tattoo. Great stuff. Angry is a scary bugger when he just stares in the one spot with those dead eyes during a guitar solo.

* Sebastian Bach came on, and of course people started pushing and stuff and I ended up about 8 from the front. Baz doesn't look too good up close. Couldn't really hear him too well, which made me think that perhaps he was impersonating Vince Neil for the evening. Someone tapped me on the shoulder during "I Will Remember You" but I turned around and didn't recognise anyone. Ruined my voice for the night during that song. A girl in front of me kept turning towards me and smiling while I sang along to it - I wonder why.

* Decided, for reasons of self-preservation, to move to the back for the Gunners. Stood about 20 from the front, a good position. Crowd went off for Welcome to the Jungle, probably twice as much as the crowd at Festival Hall went off for Paranoid when I saw Ozzy in 1998. Great set, but the crowd died during the new songs and the solos (although Bumblefoot at least kept people interested with Back in Black, Advance Australia Fair and Don't Cry - good crowd interaction for the last two). I thought the set was going to be the same as a setlist I'd seen on Blabbermouth, but it wasn't - no Don't Cry, which was a disappointment. Very brave move to have Sweet Child O' Mine so early in the show, but then I got to thinking that they had so many songs that could have ended the show that it didn't really matter. Couldn't hear Axl at all during the new songs.

Show finished at about 1:36, got home at 2:20. Great gig.
I just don't like guitar solos during concerts, there's no real need for them. I always skip the Randy Rhoads solo on Tribute and he's probably my favourite guitarist.
Haha go Baz!

The solos were tastefully done and obviously designed to give Axl a rest so he could perform well for the whole night. Dizzy's stood out the most.

That's what I was thinking too. Axl puts a fuckload of energy into his shows, so he needs a rest so he can put that level of effort into every song. The solos do allow him to recuperate. Dizzy's piano solo was the best. :rock:
Oh yeah, forgot to mention:

During Bumblefoot's solo they had a few close-ups of the audience on the big screen and at one point I was dead centre. That was awesome, especially as I was about 20 from the front. Never been on the screen at a gig before.
Great gig ... best this year by far well its the only one I"ve been to.

Ralphe has a little nap in the middle of it though so he may not have thought it was great .
Late night though, the pies at Garlo's in Mascot at 4.00 am were bloodt go though... AW bring on Heaven & Hell
I'm here!
I didn't go to Guns N Roses, I will be going to Heaven & Hell though!

I will go see LA Guns in October, I think it's just after I get back from the US again. We should go for the support I reckon, probably in with a good chance seeing as we supported them last year in LA already...
I felt like leaving during one of the new songs because it was so late. If I hadn't paid so much for the ticket I probably would have and I had the feeling nothing extraordinary was going to happen (it didn't). But I stayed.

The people around me weren't interested in the new songs, or the solos, at all. Some had their arms crossed with blank looks on their faces. Some had conversations with their pals. I just concentrated on staying on my feet.

It was a novelty wondering who was going to do what solo, and kind of funny when one nobody after another stood centre stage on the wee platform and posed like we should care who they were (we didn't).

Good concert though.