RIP Chris Benoit


It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home. will have more as soon as it becomes available.

This is the most shocked I've ever been by a wrestler's death, and there have been a lot of them. Eddie Guerrero's was a surprise but he had a history of drug abuse so there was always the chance that something could go wrong, but Chris Benoit? Who would have picked this?

He wasn't my all-time favourite wrestler - that would be Bret Hart - but he would definitely be in the top 5 (you can include Davey Boy Smith in that list). A damn shame.
And something tells me we won't be hearing anything about Vince McMahon being murdered for a while... then again, this is the same company that roped Eddie's widow in for a storyline.
I lost touch with the wrestling before it became WWE so I'm not familar with the latest storylines but if they did use it, surely everyone would be disgusted and turn off. Tributes only, thankyou.
And I read that Vince is going to apologise for having a tribute show to him. I don't know what to think about that one if it's true.
And I read that Vince is going to apologise for having a tribute show to him. I don't know what to think about that one if it's true.

After reading the latest report I have to agree that even a tribute show would be in bad taste, nothing to tribute. I retract my earlier comment, I can feel the blood boiling in my veins. He deliberately and callously smoothered his 7 yr old son an entire day after murdering his wife, completely premeditated acts! He's a sick fuck. Feed his body to the dogs!
Well, they had a tribute show but it was before they knew the details of the deaths. It was just a highlights show anyway, with his co-workers talking about him.

While any murder is inexcusable, I'll be waiting for the full story (if we ever hear it) before passing judgement.