RIP Chris Benoit

Didn't he place the blame for that on Goldberg? Or was that just for his retirement?

Now for something really weird... apparently Benoit's wikipedia page was updated, announcing Nancy's death... 13 HOURS BEFORE SHE WAS FOUND. And the post came from Stamford, where WWE have their head office

Yep, that's fucking bizarre. And there was a further update posted from Australia after that.
Wikipedia had a comment from someone who admitted to it and said it was just a guess that the "family emergency" referred to by WWE to explain Benoit's absence was his wife dying.
I'm mad at myself for coming back to this thread but i guess I'm a gossip whore.

When I was watching wrestling I thought Brett "the Hitman" Harts retirement was from a back injury... I remember watching his return when he was refereing a few matches and throwing the odd move, obviously a warm up to try and get back in the ring...

Anyway, whatever reason he had for the murders.. reason? fuck ,this retard killed his own son! As a parent I just want to see his corpse torn limb from limb. I would be surprised if the final report stated much different from the facts that have already emerged, the only dubious part is the was whether he taking steroids or not but I dont give a fuck, he killed his son and thats all that registers in my mind.

I just hope Vince stick to his guns and never mentions the cunz name again, on air.