RIP Chris Benoit

Apparently the steroids found in his house were "legal prescribed ******... whatever that means. Some places have been quick to blame roid rage but others are pointing to longer standing issues (ie the divorce) as being the cause

Below are the times and content of text messages Benoit sent to co-workers, as first reported by WWE:

3:53 AM - Chris Benoit's cell phone: "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayeteville Georgia. 30215"
3:53 AM - Chris Benoit's cell phone: "The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open."
3:54 AM - Nancy Benoit's cell phone: "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayeteville Georgia. 30215"
3:55 AM - Nancy Benoit's cell phone: "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayeteville Georgia. 30215"
5:58 AM - Nancy Benoit's cell phone: "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayeteville Georgia. 30215"
Latest reports are that he killed Daniel by putting him in a "figure eight lock"... think they fucked up the name because from the description it sounded like a sleeper hold. His wife was found with bruises in her back and burn marks around her neck, consistant with someone holding her down with their knees while pulling something across her throat :(

There's stories going around that Benoit was "pumping his son full of dru gs".... typical hype bullshit. His son had "Fragile X Syndrome". It's basically (for lack of a better description) like down syndrome crossed with autism. So it's highly likely that he was being given growth hormones LEGALLY.

I'm not trying to excuse what Benoit did, but I hate seeing chinese whispers. Especially with someone you considered a hero at one point

Vince McMahon came out before the ECW show and basically said "we didn't know all the facts and we apologise for that. Benoit will never be mentioned again and the show will go on"
He passed a very recent drug test though... ever since Eddie's death, WWE has TRIED to clean up their act a bit. Sure he's bound to have used them in the past (his size wouldn't come naturally) but he wasn't in the middle of a usage cycle. Plus... roid rage doesn't happen like these murders did. They tend to be explosive acts

The murder of his wife could have been roid rage but murdering his son DEFINATELY wasn't. Maybe we'll never know exactly but I'm guessing he just had loose screws
Well, he was being treated for low testosterone levels, so maybe his steroid use was for reasons other than just bulking up and looking buff. But I know nothing about steroids so I'm probably wrong.

If this had been someone like, say, Scott Steiner, then I'd readily agree that roid rage was probably to blame.
He is with TNA.

I don't like wrestling. I just use to watch when I was bored with my brother as he was a fan
On Fox news this arvo they had an interview with Brett hart, he didnt really say much that would confirm or deny drug use, just the he was shocked about it. He actually came across as being rather slow on the uptake.

Apparently Benoit was legally prescribed roids because he had a low testostorone count, and his son was definately prescribed some drugs for his deficiencies. We wont know for a few weeks and until a toxiology thing is carried out whether or not benoit had drugs in him at the time.
^ Hart did have a stroke in 2002 so that is probably why he came across as a bit slow on the uptake.
Didn't he place the blame for that on Goldberg? Or was that just for his retirement?

Now for something really weird... apparently Benoit's wikipedia page was updated, announcing Nancy's death... 13 HOURS BEFORE SHE WAS FOUND. And the post came from Stamford, where WWE have their head office
weird shit man! this just all seems surreal. I am not a wrestling fan and I never liked Benoit but from the wrestling I have watched with my bro and my friends I know a fair bit about it.

According to wiki, Hart suffered a stroke following a bicycle accident.
Bret Hart retired because of a kick to the head from Bill Goldberg which resulted in a serious concussion. I'm no neurologist so I'm not sure if the stroke was a result of that.