RIP Paul Hester

While I'm not in the mood to read those articles at the moment, thanks for posting them. These things are never one sided.
While I won't go into the debate about people topping themselves... I do have an issue with all these people coming out and saying it's a tragedy. Thousands of people kill themselves every year and just because this guy was famous it somehow makes it worse?

A tragedy is a bus full of kids running off the road.... a guy hanging himself in a public park is not!
Every death that leaves behind a grieving family is tragic, no doubt.

I guess in a way it strikes home more to people who know the person who died, and in a sense celebrity is kind of like knowing the person in some way. Plus, losing someone who gave so much and was so talented is always such a damn waste.
Todd, is it not a tragedy that he could see no escape from whatever was tormenting him other than to take his own life? I sure think it is.
I agree Mark. It must be so horrible to be at that point where you can't think rationally anymore and think that death is the only way out. That is a tragedy.
Exactly. It's always horrible seeing on the news that someone killed themselves, but it's worse when you already knew the person, even just through tv and music. He must have been really troubled to leave behind two kids like that.