RIP Roy Scheider


Apr 13, 2001
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ROY Scheider, the human star of the 1975 blockbuster hit Jaws, has died in a US hospital. He was 75.

The Academy Award-nominated and Golden Globe-nominated American actor, best known for his role as the police chief in the film, died at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences hospital in Little Rock, a hospital spokesman told the Associated Press.
The hospital is not releasing his cause of death, although Wikipedia is reporting he died of complications from a staph infection.

Hospital spokeswoman Leslie Taylor told the Associated Press Scheider had been treated for multiple myeloma at the hospital's Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy for the past two years.
He was the original choice to play John Rambo, in the 1982 film, First Blood, but the role was given to Sylvester Stallone.
I was just thinking about him a couple of days ago when thinking about The French Connection, and how awesome he was in All That Jazz. Didn't realise he was 75.

One of the early choices for John Rambo was Dustin Hoffman. That would have been interesting to see.