RIP George Carlin

I was bummed out about this, too. It's eerie timing, since a friend and I were talking about Carlin and his career yesterday at about the same time he went to the hospital. Carlin had a lot of truly classic material. :(

It seemed to us that his later material wasn't quite as good as his older, more classic stuff...maybe because he had sobered up somewhat, maybe due to GC getting more political and (sometimes) seeming just mean-spirited....but damn, he'll be missed.

I'm gonna load up "an incomplete list of impolite words" in his honor. :kickass:

Yea Paul, it's really weird man... I was talking about him yesterday too with my friends. We were at work and one of my employees looks over at me and said something about a comedian that I had never heard of, and so I said something to the tune of, "George Carlin holds the crown for the greatest comedian ever, no one else matters.", and come to think about it, it was around the time that he evidently went into the hospital yesterday... I'm really saddened over all of this. I hope the cocksucking motherfucker rests in peace and has hell in stitches!
I am watching "The seven banned words" right now. My wife is screaming at me to turn it off. You know what I told her? Figger it out, lol! :lol::lol:
I first remember hearing him doing the lost sock sketch and then he won me eternally over with the "Guys named Todd" bit. :D

Late last night, I watched the "In the Actor's Studio" he did and was once again filled respect and admiration for him. Too bad there aren't more people out there with his perspective and courage for saying things like they are. We've all been blessed to have had him as part of our entertainment lives.

Amen ;)