Rivers Edge

I am curious if anyone out there has ever seen the 1986 release River's Edge. I have probably seen it over 200 times and I am absolutly obsessed with it. LOL... the sound track is killer but its far more than that - that makes this movie fucking brilliant. Just want to talk about it with anyone who will listen!

If you havent seen it- GO RENT IT!! its total fucking metal
This movie is unintentionally hilarious. That, and it stars the ultra-freaky Crispin Glover (who many of you might remember from the Back To The Future flicks), who's more ultra-freaky than normal. Yes, the movie is very metal, but that doesn't prevent from blowing ass.
Yes, I agree that it is very comical without intending to be such- its actually suppose to be a very serious topic(unless you dont happen to consider killing your girlfried serious) however, the storyline becomes less than the actual time and ppl involved.
It was pretty serious. The whole REAL incident took place less than 20 minutes drive from me.

I thought it was a decent movie. Funny. But true.
It's a great movie!Dennis Hopper fit in well.I didn't know it was a true story.Does the book go under the same name?And where did this incident actually occur?
It was pretty serious. The whole REAL incident took place less than 20 minutes drive from me.

I thought it was a decent movie. Funny. But true.::::::::::

OMG!! Then you can tell me where that River is? And the town is it the same as in the movie or what? I have been wanting to go to that place forever...Please let me know!!!!

ANd there is a book???
aww Mule!!
I am sorry to hear that you consider this immature youths only entertainment.
And,I know that Jamie is not still at the Rivers edge.. they did remove the body -Matt was there very confused as to why she wasnt "just lying there in the grass".

Basically, I want to visit the area because of all the meaning the movie has had for me. No sickness involved. Well maybe a little-heh.
I have been watching the movie for about 15 years now. And when I first began watching it I did only enjoy it for the surface qualities. It was a great Metal/stoner flick and Matt (keanu reeves was soooo hot) needless to say, I have abandoned those perceptions and now I can appreciate the beautiful dark art qualities and the nostalgic feeling to the air when things really did have those color schemes.(even though I still think Matt is absolutley goergous). The characters and mood of the film are seemingly timeless but perhaps only to those who miss the 80s and all of its "glory".

Your post was appreciated anyway..
Originally posted by West Virginia Mule
Oh, I suppose you want to see where they left the corpse near the water's edge, eh metalmaiden? Perhaps look for body-shaped indentations in the grass and mud that you perceive will still be there all these years after the fact. You sicko. :p :D

When I was much younger, I too was mildly obsessed with this movie. I can't exactly explain why, either. I think it was the whole atmosphere of it, the window into these kinds of people, the dark subculture. It was fascinating. The bad acting and the unintentional humor didn't even phase me at the time. Looking back on it now from an adult standpoint, I can perhaps see it for what it truly is--and that's not all that much. But in the day, it was truly a metal kids type of movie.

I used to watch River's Edge and A Clockwork Orange back to back and over and over again, all the while drinking those "sixers". :rolleyes:

Good thing I've reformed so much since those childhood days. Talk about a sicko. :rolleyes: ;)

Jackson?! Is that you?! I had no idear you posted here! Good to see you, stop by more often!

And w/ a Lefay avatar and showing your birthday in your profile, no less!
Originally posted by West Virginia Mule
Hey, Mark. :)

Yeah, I used to hang around the Lefay board here back in the winter time some, but things aren't going too well over there for Lefay (as a band) and that forum is dreadfully quiet now. I hope the Lefay guys work out their problems somehow and get it together again.

But I just recently started taking a look at all the other places Ultimate Metal has to offer, so maybe I'll be popping up here and there like a mule-in-the-box or something ;) . Besides, for some reason, I can't access the Blind Guardian web site at all for the last two days... :confused:


Excellent! I've barely been checking into the BG board myself these days...but I didn't know it was down or experiencing trouble. As you can see, this is the place I love to be! A great mix of trollers & smart people. I'm somewhere in between ;)

Hope to see you around!
Originally posted by MetalMaiden1777
It was pretty serious. The whole REAL incident took place less than 20 minutes drive from me.

I thought it was a decent movie. Funny. But true.::::::::::

OMG!! Then you can tell me where that River is? And the town is it the same as in the movie or what? I have been wanting to go to that place forever...Please let me know!!!!

ANd there is a book???

It happened in Fremont California, I'm sure there's a book about it...

I don't remember the name of the HS or the river, but I met a few people that knew those guys.