I see no problem whatsoever with his image, let people be themselves. If he wants to look like that, why should I care? In fact, he looks much more of a fit in the band now that he ever was during his non-long hair days. Not that hair should matter either, but just saying. He looks plenty "metal" to me, and I think he's not doing it to please some fans, I just think he's enjoying himself with his style. What's the problem with people caring so much about how others look. We are individuals, and should not give a ***t about the way others carry themselves. Care about yourselves first and foremost, but don't expect people to conform to your opinions about looks and style. I myself wear whatever I want, and don't give a ***t if you like it or not. In my eyes, it looks good, and I feel good. So there. So shouldn't Caggiano care if others think he's goofy, etc. (and I bet he doesn't), IMHO.
(I apologize if the above seemed rude, I just don't like people telling others how to live, what to wear, what music they should listen to, etc? I understand if some don't like it, and you are entitled to your views for sure. I even like his image more now, to be honest.

Let him do whatever he wants, that's all I meant to convey-no offense intended.)