Rock and Roll's Hall of Shame

I think stuff like this is pretty laughable at best. Mostly because people who make accusations like this don't realize that heavy metal was formed on the theme of making scary music to scare people the same way a horror movies scares people. Here are my favourite parts of that page :

Beastie Boys: more than 90 references to drug and alcohol abuse on Licensed to Kill

I'm missing this album, or mine has a typo.... mine says License to Ill...

Doors (The): Patricia (Kennealy) Morrison is a devout Wiccan witch.

OH NOES!!!11!!1 Someone believing in another religion!!!1!1 ZOMG!!!!

Jimi Hendrix: hypnotizing people through music

Yes, because I'm sure when Jimi wrote his music he was thinking "hmmm how can I hypnotize people......"

KMFDM: promote satanic ideologies, inspired Columbine High School Massacre

hey.... I thought we had blamed Marilyn Manson for this stuff... this guy obviously didnt get the memo...

Megadeth: occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good)

LOL! This guy obviously missed the boat on Dave Mustaine being openly a born again Christian. Way to do your research n00b

Metallica: promote suicide on "Fade to Black"

Again, congrats on doing your research.... (*sarcasm*)... This song wasn't written about promoting suicide, it was written about the feelings of despair James Hetfield felt after Metallica's van with most of their gear was stolen (back when they couldn't afford to just buy everything new the next day). I can only imagine how many people this song has helped, as it always helps when you're feeling down to know that someone else has gone thru something similar or that someone feels the same

Ozzy Osbourne: ... scary face

OH NOES!!11!!!11 Ozzy makes teh scary faces!!!!1!!!1!1!

This guy also obviously missed the boat on things like, how Ozzy likes to put crosses on album work, wardrobe, etc... Also how after every show he says "thank you, good night, God bless you all".... Yes... Ozzy is evil!!!! oh noes!!!

Offspring: rebellion

Pink Floyd: lyrics about rebellion

Yes. Rebellion is bad. Being a mindless sheep is good. 1984 called, big brother misses you :p

............ and the final and most laughable/ignorant comment of them all :

And of course all black metal bands, as all promote Nazi, pagan and anti-Christian ideologies. um.... prejudge much? ALL black metal bands? *rereads Woods lyrics*....... I can't seem to find the nazi/pagan/anti-Christian ideologies.... maybe if I e-mail this guy he can help me find them.... :p

I can't get mad at people like this. If I were to ever come in contact with them, I would try and open their minds but if that were to fail I would simply let them go about their way, no point in stressing myself at their ignorance. Their message may convince a couple people that metal is "bad" but their ignorant words/message are more of a threat to their own creditability than any threat to metal.
It's obviously ridiculous to us. I mean, I don't there's much we can do about this on the internet. If you see someone like this, open up their mind.

Only if that doesn't work, then do you sacrifice them to the Dark Lord.
It amazes me that site is actually real, if it is, because its SO ridiculous and the person obviously did no research, and they know way too many underground bands to be a general "rock music hater". like Moonspell for example
i dont think christianity is the problem. Its the people that assume if it isnt for god, its against god. My mom is like that and it drives me crazy. Christianity is supposed to be about loving thy neighbor not telling people to hate people/bands. It really reminds me of this bumper sticker at my school (that got peeled off at some religious retreat) it says something like, "i like your christ, but dont like your christians, they are so unlike your christ." The site is blocked on my computer, but i wonder if he knows of christian black metal, like crimson moonlight and vaakevandring (good band).
It really reminds me of this bumper sticker at my school (that got peeled off at some religious retreat) it says something like, "i like your christ, but dont like your christians, they are so unlike your christ."

Thats a Gandhi quote, just so you know.

Another relevant Gandhi quote:

I came to the conclusion long ago … that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu … But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian.
Did you check the homepage, it looks like a tabloid with all kinds of bullshit.

Chances are this site is a parody or fake. There was another one i discovered a while ago the acronym for the site was P.A.R.O.D.Y. I forgot what it stood for but it was a fake Christian site that bashed goth culture. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same thing.
Did you check the homepage, it looks like a tabloid with all kinds of bullshit.

Chances are this site is a parody or fake. There was another one i discovered a while ago the acronym for the site was P.A.R.O.D.Y. I forgot what it stood for but it was a fake Christian site that bashed goth culture. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same thing.

yeah, hard to believe someone can be this stupid while trying to be serious.
but hey, they're christians, right...who knows...:zombie: