Rock Band


Knightrider of Doom
Jan 15, 2004
Pittsburgh, PA
Has anyone played this yet? If so what are your thoughts. My g/f bought it for my birthday. Me and a few of my friends tried it out last night around 6 and the next thing we knew it was 130 in the morning.
We've been playing Rock Band constantly since Thursday. It's a blast! Really gets more people involved. I wasn't so into guitar hero, knowing nothing about playing guitar, but I've played drums and done vocals (no, you don't have to sound good, just get it right.) and it's been a lot of fun. It's irresistable. People who come over just to "watch" always ended up participating before to long.
My brother in law bought the whole kit for his 2 kids. Over T-giving, my whole family wound up trying out various roles. I haven't really played GH, but have seen my nephew play enough, and I saw very little difference between the two games. The drum kit is very cool!

Steve in Philly
The game is amazing except the guitar controller that comes with it is horrible. My friend's already broke.
My brother and I went to our friend's house Thanksgiving night to play Rock Band.


We went over at 7:30pm, and played until 11:45pm. Ran to a store for their Midnight Madness Sale, got one item we wanted, went back to play more Rock Band. Played from 12:30am until 3:50am, ran to Kohl's for another item, then went home. 7+ hours of singing and drumming and guitar-slinging and we felt serious withdrawals Friday afternoon!

Guitar Hero annoyed me. Rock Band entertains me. Especially the idea of a random-songs setlist. Keeps you on your toes, forces you to get good at every song. And we got far enough to unlock Highway Star and we just ROCKED. That poor living room, it never knew what hit it...

And suprisingly, I was singing Black Hole Sun awesomely! Is awesomely a word?
I am not musicaly talented at all but I got pretty good at guitar hero. I feel that the guitar settings on Rock Band are much easier which is good for me because I can have more fun while concentrating or cripling my fingers on the higher levels. Drums are hard for me because I cant keep a beat. I love the create a character aspect. This game is the most fun multi player game ever! Very fun and funny to role play with your friends and get drunk and pretend to be rock stars.

Has anyone had the problem with the game having you play the same 3 or 4 songs over and over?
My brother and I went to our friend's house Thanksgiving night to play Rock Band.


We went over at 7:30pm, and played until 11:45pm. Ran to a store for their Midnight Madness Sale, got one item we wanted, went back to play more Rock Band. Played from 12:30am until 3:50am, ran to Kohl's for another item, then went home. 7+ hours of singing and drumming and guitar-slinging and we felt serious withdrawals Friday afternoon!

Sounds like we had a similar experience... except my buddy got his on Wednesday. Skipped out of work early and started playing around 3 PM or so. Broke for dinner around 8:30. Played nonstop until 2AM. Took T-Day off because of the tryptophan comas and football... and most of Friday. Went to the Dallas Stars game Friday night and decided to go back over for round 2about 11:00 PM. We were up until 4 AM before we knew it and finally unlocked Run to the Hills (I wasn't leaving until we got it, dammit!) Saturday I slept until about noon. Sunday we met over at my buddies house again and played from about 2 PM until 10 PM... I think we ate in there somewhere.

We've been swapping guitar/bass/drum/vox between several people and having a blast. As someone else has said the guitar that comes with the game is a piece of crap. Ours is already glitchy... No matter though, the GHIII controllers work beautifully in its place.
Has anyone had the problem with the game having you play the same 3 or 4 songs over and over?

Hell no! We get better every time! We were screaming like the Lions won a football game when we 5-starred Black Hole Sun! Only my brother played the drums on Medium, the rest of us were on Hard or Expert. I sang it on Expert, and MAAAAN do you need to be dead-nuts accurate. No vocal inflections allowed, can't sing it exactly the way the original song was sung, you gotta be right on key even at the very very beginning of each note. Very very challenging. I won't be suprised if I come out of this game with better vocal skills, cuz it DEMANDS it!
Hell no! We get better every time! We were screaming like the Lions won a football game when we 5-starred Black Hole Sun! Only my brother played the drums on Medium, the rest of us were on Hard or Expert. I sang it on Expert, and MAAAAN do you need to be dead-nuts accurate. No vocal inflections allowed, can't sing it exactly the way the original song was sung, you gotta be right on key even at the very very beginning of each note. Very very challenging. I won't be suprised if I come out of this game with better vocal skills, cuz it DEMANDS it!

And up to this post, I was thinking this kind of sounded like a fun game.
I bought this for my brother, and OMG it's amazing. Everything Brian316 has said is dead-on, except for the Guitar Hero being annoying part :p ... I will still be going to Guitar Hero for my shredding needs, haha. But the drums .... WOW! I haven't built up a sweat playing a game since the DragonForce song on GH3 ... and that's on not-so-fast songs! Imagine if they had used double-pedal kick drumming and put Angel of Death on there - I'd need a towel and a cigarette :lol: Only thing I hate is my leg getting tired and sore really quickly. Anyone have any advice on proper kick-pedalling? I'm having to swap feet to let the other leg rest, and I'm wondering if bad form is killing my legs (and knees).

Anyway, if you can scrape up the dough, get this game. It's so much fun.
I bought this for my brother, and OMG it's amazing. Everything Brian316 has said is dead-on, except for the Guitar Hero being annoying part :p ... I will still be going to Guitar Hero for my shredding needs, haha. But the drums .... WOW! I haven't built up a sweat playing a game since the DragonForce song on GH3 ... and that's on not-so-fast songs! Imagine if they had used double-pedal kick drumming and put Angel of Death on there - I'd need a towel and a cigarette :lol: Only thing I hate is my leg getting tired and sore really quickly. Anyone have any advice on proper kick-pedalling? I'm having to swap feet to let the other leg rest, and I'm wondering if bad form is killing my legs (and knees).

Anyway, if you can scrape up the dough, get this game. It's so much fun.

I wish there were some sick blastbeats in Rock Band. and some double kick would be Killller.
And up to this post, I was thinking this kind of sounded like a fun game.

Lol, he was playing on Expert, and the difficulty difference between medium and expert is insane. If you would like to sing without fail, but still willing to put effort into being on key, medium will do it for you. If you are abhorrent and can't carry a tune to save your grandmother hanging over a boiling pit of oil, there is in fact, an easy mode as well.

I did Paranoid on Hard, and I nailed the shit out of it, and I can't sing for anything.
Like the settings imply, Hard is HARD. To sing in Hard mode, you really have to be accurate. Don't sing the way the song really is sung, sing to be accurate according to the floaty-needle, and it gets better. I'm screaming Run To The Hills yesterday and that stupid thing doesn't like vibrato at all, so I was bombing the shit outta it. BOOO.

Oh, and the Fender controller SUCKS ASS compared to the Guitar Hero Gibson controllers. Trying to do Steve Harris triplets on that Fender was impossible. Does not trigger worth a crap.

And we finally got Jeremy to play drums for us! He was killing that poor trigger pad! LOL He couldn't even bother to play on Medium, it was counterintuitive to how he naturally plays drums, and all the missing kick beats or half-speed hihat count screwed with him. So he just jumped into Hard and was fine! Oh, and Run to the Hills was terrorizing with trying to do the hihat roll with a flat, non-bouncy trigger pad. Heh heh. Crazy fun on New Year's Eve.