What was your favorite childhood possession?

Dec 16, 2002
Mine was undoubtedly my Kuwahara BMX bike. It was 1982 I believe, and I was a 12 .. nearly 13 when my Dad bought it for me, and I still think of that bike every now and again.

We went to check out the bike races outside of Peoria Illinois, and while strolling around I fell in love ... with a bike. Some family had bought two for their kid to race with, and he basically picked the other one, so they put one up for sale. Dad saw me tooling around on it during a test drive, and snuck back and bought it for me without me knowing. To my delight he gave it to me a few days later as an early birthday present.

Here's what it looked like .. almost. Mine had a lot of gold components, but had the same blue frame, forks, set, pads, etd.


I wish I still had that bike, but unfortunately it went missing after I moved from one town to another. I left a few things behind in the garage, and when I returned a week or so later to pick them up they were gone .. sad day.

I was thinking about my bike the other day so I did a web search for Kuwahara ... seems they are still in the business.

I nearly fell in love again .. this time with a new 2008 Kuwahara. What a beauty !! I'd buy it, but I'd feel like a screwball riding around on it at my advanced age.

I think back in the day that 1982 Kuwahara went for $275 or $300. The 2008 version seen below goes for over $600. It's funny .. other than the price things haven't changed a tremendous amount.


Well...a happier one then: I loved the Ninja Turtles. Especially Michaelangelo. I got a Michaelangelo action figure for my birthday one year. I carried that thing around with me EVERYWHERE. Most girls would play with dolls, I played with Ninja turtles. There was a time where Michaelangelo was never out of my sight. I even slept with it!
I'd have to say either my Millennium Falcon scale replica or my very first "keyboard" which was a $25 electric organ. It was beat up, the top level keys made some of the most atrocious sounds I've ever heard and half of the foot pedals didn't work... but dammit I learned how to play on that thing and at the time it wasn't something we could really afford. Special? Oh yeah :D
I can't pinpoint one thing in particular, but my Star Wars toys, Legos, and Hot Wheels cars were what I played with the most. My bike was the other but it was a Western Auto POS.
I can't pinpoint one thing in particular, but my Star Wars toys, Legos, and Hot Wheels cars were what I played with the most. My bike was the other but it was a Western Auto POS.
Lego's and Star Wars are high on my list as well. I had three large sets of legos at my grandparents' house .. made some cool stuff with them. As for Star Wars I still have a Darth Vader case full of figures from the first two movies, and the Millenium Falcon. As for the cars .. I always preferred Matchbox.

GI Joe, people! Not the new versions, either. I'm talking the old school 60's-70's versions. Excellent outfits and vehicles back then! I was in grade school back and LOVED my GI Joe stuff! I had tons of it. Couldn't leave the house without at least one fully equipped GI Joe action figure.
My comic collection...which includes my fav #5 X Men...and some other older X Men, Daredevil, Avengers, etc. Then I started collecting again with my daughter when Image comics came out. I still have the entire collection...need to knock the dust off & revisit...great stuff and cool to see some of the characters brought to life on the big screen.
My collection of Mego Super Hero figures. I had all of them (and multiples of most) up the four teen heroes that command $300 and up each now. I often wonder what happened to those because I have no idea whatsoever.
My collection of Mego Super Hero figures. I had all of them (and multiples of most) up the four teen heroes that command $300 and up each now. I often wonder what happened to those because I have no idea whatsoever.
I've still got some of those .. they are in bad shape though, as I apperantly played rough with them. I've got Dracula, Captain America, Ironman, the Lizard man or whatever from Spiderman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, The Green Goblin, Shazam, and a couple Planet Of The Ape figures. Most of them have a date of 1974 on the back, and a couple have 1971 on them.

When I was a youngster, my folks bought me a Remco Mighty Casey riding train set. It was so big a kid could ride on it:


(I had a different version with freight cars instead. The flatcar was big enough to roll a medium pizza from the kitchen to the living-room. :) )

I was the coolest kid on the block....especially since it cost a lot back then. :cool:

I've retained a love of trains and railroading ever since.
GI Joe, people! Not the new versions, either. I'm talking the old school 60's-70's versions. Excellent outfits and vehicles back then! I was in grade school back and LOVED my GI Joe stuff! I had tons of it. Couldn't leave the house without at least one fully equipped GI Joe action figure.

+1 - As a young kid in the late 60's/early 70's, this was THE toy.
My other choice would be my first good electric guitar I bought when I started playing at 16 a '77 Les Paul black & gold custom. Sadly all the GI Joe stuff as well as the Les Paul were auctioned off when I was out of work for an extended time....

I had an awesome collection of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars in a big case that my mom sold at a yard sale for a few dollars. I was heartbroken. :(
Now that she's seen how much they're worth nowadays, so is she. :erk:

Now that I remember, I had some sort of huge GI Joe action-set rolling vehicle thingie that was pretty awesome!
Hands down my Die Cast metal Lion collection of Voltron.


When I grew up in LA they had this Japanese toy store "Ken's Toys" I think on the pier of Redondo Beach. Also this big swapmeet near the Alpine Village, and they would have tons of Japanese toys.

I had a plethora of Macross Valkyries from dinky plastic to die-cast. But that Go-Lion set was something special. I fell in love with big robot mecha instantly.

I think back when I got into anime I started doing the Gundam/Macross model kits. I have a bit of a collection now but I haven't really updated it much. Last thing I obtained robot wise was the Garland toy by Yamato from the Megazone 23 anime. We also heavily collected anime figures/statues. The wife and I can't seem to pass up stuff from Shunya Yamashita or Bome.

I also had a few transformers,and a lot of GI Joes back in the day. I have no idea what happened to those toys. About the only thing I have is a comic collection in a box that is only there I never touched it in years. I was inspired by that one episode of Amazing Stories where the guy holds on to one comic book and becomes a millionaire lol.
I'd have to say, probably my Dale Murphy baseball cards. I worshiped that guy back then. I even wore number 3 in honor of him during my little league days. I finally met him in person while I was in college, around 1999. He was a guest at a Chattanooga Lookouts game one night and I was still star struck while in my early 20's! :lol:

By the way, that is a sharp bike!
