Rock In Rio Ads?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Have you seen ANY ads for Rock In Rio in any Aussie rock/metal mags or websites?

If you've seen any (no matter where, as long as it's aussie based), can you let me know?

I can tell you now that if Iron Maiden toured, they could sell out Festival Hall at least in Melbourne.

I mean if they played the Palace where Priest and Megadeth played, I'd guarantee it would sell out in a couple of days.

Go to a metal gig here, the DJ chucks on a Maiden song, every single person gets excited and starts singing and playing air guitar. Everyone knows and loves Maiden. Even most people who aren't big fans but into the metal scene would go see them just because you can't NOT see Maiden!
Ive seen posters at Utopia, does that count? I havent seen any in magazines though.
Why, has EMI lost their little Maiden Downunder slavelettes this time round? From memory, Los4 and I did all the advertising for BNW that I ever saw in Melbourne.
I didn't even get a hype email from EMI this time.. I think they genuinely do not give a shit about our neche market...
I'd hazard to guess that it's a pretty big niche at that. A week or so ago I was a JB Hifi in the city dithering about in the metal section. Everybody who walk past picked up the NotB "Rock Classics" (or whatever the hell it is) DVD. Of course, a pick up doesn't really contribute a sale, I guess. But surely there would have been a good number of "pick ups and carry to the counters" come out of those pick ups.

I reckon if there was _real_ album promotion, rather than depending on the Iron Maiden name to sell the album, there would be some suprised record execs around (not to mention band members)
Well i remember prior to BNW being released when I, along with Crossy, Los4, Mark, Matt Coffey and yeah, you too phloggy did all that hands on promo with the flyers and posters and stuff.... I had to go to so much friggin trouble with EMI Sydney to get the go-ahead for all that. If it wasn't for what we did, EMI probably wouldn't have even released it locally! That's an exaggeration i know....but EMI are sad, very sad.

I ain't seen Jack-shit promo for RIR. I only found out about when i stumbled onto here and the official site a couple of weeks ago after not having been checking out anything for Maiden online for ages. If it wasn't for the internet, i wouldn't know it was out and that sucks.
I'm pretty much peechy.. life is good..

I think it's a real shame we didnt all meet up in Sydney as once planned.. with Crossy no longer interested things have all fallen apart...

Shit happens I guess...
Originally posted by Tough As Steel

If Maiden ever tour (sorry for mentioning that spawn) im sure we'll all get to meet up.

Id laugh if I wasnt still crying :D
Crossy never posts anymore, last time I spoke (oh my god, verbal communication!) to him he told me he was very disinterested in Maiden now.

I'm sure Phloggy can elaborate he always knows everything ;)

Nice talking to ya again though :D