Rock In Rio Ads?

See what a big help he is ...

Hey Phloggy you actually look a bit like Baldric...

Muwahahahahahahaha.. are we EVER going to have another Meet n Greet, maybe watch the NOTB DVD ??? hint hint...
It was about $27 dollars I think. I remember thinking that it was a bit cheap. But I was there at lunchtime (and had a bit of a splurge as well, but probably nothing worth mentioning here) and there were none left.

Although there is a new JB HiFi DVD store around the corner, so it may have been in there.
Well i certainly went through a period of time where i was disinterested in Maiden, hence my absence from posting for a long, long time. I was gutted after the no-tour, especially after all the friggin' effort we put in, the roasting we got on the official BB for having a bitch, and Rod Smallwoods disgustingly lame and almost offensive response as to why there were no shows here.

But i'm over that now. I am not as attached to the band and everything about them as i used to be, but they are a great band and all the posters here are a cool and it gives me something to do, hehe.
Rock In Rio is #4 on the JB Hi-Fi Metal charts at the moment.

Just thought I'd let you know hehe. I've seen it at JB's everywhere but not that many other places.
Grumble Mumble whinge moan... I went to JB Brighton and they didn't have it, check the shelves and asked at the counter. I got that whole "what's it called" and look on her face like I'd asked for a bucket of vomit... geez who at least hasn't heard of Maiden ?

Anyway, was a tad shitted off, I mean you guys have obviously seen it like everywhere... I think I might order it off the net.

P.S. When I get it big Meet n Greet my place again ok... like always... :)

Err.umm thought I should add I was looking for NOTB DVD, they did have RIR which I almost bought, what a silly bunt !
I havn't bought it yet either. I don't know if it's in store in Geelong or not, I just too ppor at the moment to even bother looking. :cry:
Plus, there's aleady at least 5 CD's that I'd like to get before it..
Well I Still hav'nt seen it .I am currently on hoildays and spent the last week in Wagga , did'nt see a fuking thing. Although I did go to the Sturt Mall and went to Sanity & got Sammy Hagar: Walking to Mars for $2.95, what a bargin, its quite good IMO.


Ohh does any body think Crossy will go to M4TB this year, we could all catch up then.
Dave errrh Tough As Steel thanks mate have not been in to the city for ages. Sorry about not being at the soul last friday was down in Wagga with the Outlaws , usual story with Michelles dad 14 middies in about 2 & half hours down the pub and back home to watch the footy( well I actully fell asleep in the recliner and burnt myself with a cup of coffee) Good game I was told.