Got it today, and wow, kicks ass....
Whoever said Steve is a bad director is silly, cause it looks great.... not too fast at all...
It really let me get to know the band members... this is what I observed:
Bruce: Jumps around, and overacts...
Steve: Shoots people with his bass, jumps like a rabit, and mouths the lyrics...
Nicko: Pulls faces, and has a belly...
Dave: Just plays, good and solid... no crazies from him... smiles...
Adrian: Disappears half the time... does a weird sideways headbang...
And I leave this guy last... because he's just damn FUNNY...
Janick: Doesn't really play the guitar... just wanks it off with harmonics and shit that never work... then throws it up in the air... spins it... wanks it some more.... attacks Ed... then strikes a pose.... pussyfoots around the stage looking quite the pansy.... HE'S JUST SO FUNNY...
But I liked it all.
Behind the scenes was pretty darn cool, and they had subs for those who can't understand Brit-speak... heh...
Bruce reminds me of that builder guy off Ground Force... they look similar...
Anyway... just another useless topic... \m/
Whoever said Steve is a bad director is silly, cause it looks great.... not too fast at all...
It really let me get to know the band members... this is what I observed:
Bruce: Jumps around, and overacts...
Steve: Shoots people with his bass, jumps like a rabit, and mouths the lyrics...
Nicko: Pulls faces, and has a belly...
Dave: Just plays, good and solid... no crazies from him... smiles...
Adrian: Disappears half the time... does a weird sideways headbang...
And I leave this guy last... because he's just damn FUNNY...
Janick: Doesn't really play the guitar... just wanks it off with harmonics and shit that never work... then throws it up in the air... spins it... wanks it some more.... attacks Ed... then strikes a pose.... pussyfoots around the stage looking quite the pansy.... HE'S JUST SO FUNNY...
But I liked it all.
Behind the scenes was pretty darn cool, and they had subs for those who can't understand Brit-speak... heh...
Bruce reminds me of that builder guy off Ground Force... they look similar...
Anyway... just another useless topic... \m/