Rockbass Streamer by Warwick for Recording?


Mar 16, 2009
Germany - Munich
Hey guys,
as i recognized, Warwick alias Rockbass dropped the prices for some of their basses because there is a new collection coming in 2010.
My question is:
Are especially the Streamer Series Rockbasses any good?
The prices are so low in Germany that I am not sure if I should get my hands on one ... 5-string passive Streamer for 215€.
I want to use it for recording mainly and I'm no bassplayer in general (as you could probably see).
Why would i need an active bass? Recently recorded a real Warwick Thumb bass and had to set it to passive because it was clipping. Went great too.
Or are the basses not worth the money? Thanks in advance.
I tried a rockbass, and for feel, they're great, but never had chance to record one... i suspect they'd be worth it, and there are higher end models you could try
I have one of the old Warwick streamer STDs (discontinued now). They seem to be the one's on which the rockbass version is based (only with other neck and fretboard woods). The one pickup model which I own sounds like a P-bass with some added Warwick growl and extended tight bottom end. Best thing is I bought it for 175 euros :headbang:. The rockbass version has the same body wood and pickups so it probably sounds somewhat similar and for such a low price it's probably a very good bass and better than most of the bases in that price range.
I have one of the old Warwick streamer STDs (discontinued now). They seem to be the one's on which the rockbass version is based (only with other neck and fretboard woods). The one pickup model which I own sounds like a P-bass with some added Warwick growl and extended tight bottom end. Best thing is I bought it for 175 euros :headbang:. The rockbass version has the same body wood and pickups so it probably sounds somewhat similar and for such a low price it's probably a very good bass and better than most of the bases in that price range.
damn interesting ... i guess i need to get one and just try it! thanks.