Rocktron Valve Charger

Nov 6, 2005
I saw that Sweetwater had these for $40 (looked like a close out sale). Couldn't really find any information and very few video reviews most of which were bluesy, so I took a chance. It doesn't have much of an volume boost at all, and the "tone" knob only adds or takes away high end, but it has a very pleasing and warm tone to it, seems like a low mid bump with a very subtle bass rolloff, and the compression on it is also subtle but very pleasing to play. As a "clean" boost, it fails since gain at 0 provides very little compression, and volume at 10 is for all intents and purposes unity gain. However, I have been enjoying it as a drive for my dual rec, since it sweetens up the high end and let's the mids bloom/glow more. I found myself lowering the gain between 11-12o'clock when I normally have it around the 1o'clock "sweet spot" everyone seems to run. I don't have a maxon 808 to compare it to, but it makes the ts9 sound harsh (when running the ts9 at gain 9'oclock, volume 12o'clock). Just though I would post this in case anyone is searching for information about one regarding heavier gain settings, or wants to grab another overdrive cheap.
use what works best for you, great thing you like it :thumbsup:

I always encourage people to not use what everyone else is using, but to pick their own favorite for their very own workflow, style or sound. Unfortunately that requires some work (= testing) to be done, which many people are too lazy to do