Rodney Dangerfield dead at 82.............


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
He was one of the funniest mother fuckers out there, its a shame.......... R.I.P Rodney

LOS ANGELES — Rodney Dangerfield (search), the bug-eyed comic whose self-deprecating one-liners brought him stardom in clubs, television and movies and made his lament "I don't get no respect" a catchphrase, died Tuesday. He was 82.
Dangerfield, who fell into a coma after undergoing heart surgery, died at 1:20 p.m., said publicist Kevin Sasaki. Dangerfield had a heart valve replaced Aug. 25 at the University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center.

Sasaki said in a statement that Dangerfield suffered a small stroke after the operation and developed infectious and abdominal complications. In the past week he had emerged from the coma, Sasaki said.

Clad in a black suit, red tie and white shirt with collar that seemed too tight, Dangerfield convulsed audiences with lines such as: "When I was born, I was so ugly that the doctor slapped my mother," "When I started in show business, I played one club that was so far out my act was reviewed in Field and Stream," and "Every time I get in an elevator, the operator says the same thing to me: 'Basement?'"

In a 1986 interview, he explained the origin of his "respect" trademark:

"I had this joke: 'I played hide and seek; they wouldn't even look for me.' To make it work better, you look for something to put in front of it: I was so poor, I was so dumb, so this so that. I thought, 'Now what fits that joke?' Well, 'no one liked me' was all right. But then I thought, a more profound thing would be, 'I get no respect.'",2933,134575,00.html
I know alot of people didn't like Meet Wally Sparks but I thought it was brilliant!!!
I am extremely sad about this :cry: :cry: :cry:

"With my wife, I get no respect. I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand. She lit it." R. D.
He was the funniest guy ever.No one can touch him.Easy Money is 1 of my all time favorite movies.RIP.Rodney you get all the respect in the world.
I thought Wally Sparks was funny as hell!!

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I know alot of people didn't like Meet Wally Sparks but I thought it was brilliant!!!
I am extremely sad about this :cry: :cry: :cry:

"With my wife, I get no respect. I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand. She lit it." R. D.
I love the part when everyone was playing cards and Rodney says I hear you need a fourth(player) but I'm looking for a fifth(has a bottle of Jack in hand)
Damn this really sucks... I just seen him on Letterman this summer and he slayed
He was one of the funniest people ever.
God Bless Rodney Dangerfield!

God Bless,
Rodney rocked. A comic genius. R.I.P. Rodney, glad you're in a better place now.

I watched Caddyshack a few weeks ago. That movie is still funny even so many years later.
Rodney used to live in my neighborhood. I live in Deer Park on LOng Island. This was back in the 50's I think. The house him and his family used to live in is still there and it's the only house that hasn't been totally renovated. His real name is Rodney Cohen or someshit. Just thought I'd throw that little tidbit out there.We will miss you Rodney.
I remember the first time I saw Natural Born Killers............ the part where he played that chicks father .........I laughed for days after seeing that shit......... And caddyshack, god, everything he did was so good ...........
Man he was sick in Natural Born Killers. The first time I saw that movie I was on some sick acid.That movie makes you trip without drugs for christ sake. I was bugging out of my head.He was insane.
I live in the unfortunate town of Brentwood.

God, i hate this fuckin town.

Would love to buy a house, but you being from LI, i don't have to tell you how damned near impossible it really is.
Holy fuck dude your the next town over. I want to blow my brains out thinking about how I'm gonna ever afford to stay on this Island.I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.