rokit 5 krk studio monitors


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
They have them on sale at a local music shop.

These would be my first pair of decent studio monitors.

Should i gopher them. Or should i save and get something better?

These would be just to start me off im not looking for anything special.
I guess the appropriate answer is - if you CAN save (I capitalize it because many can't), then save for the best possible monitors you can - you will get longer use out of them and not feel the need to upgrade within a few months. Will the Rokit 5s get the job done? Most certainly, but you will eventually want more - it's all a case of what you need. If it's the Guitar Center sale then it's a pretty good deal for starter monitors. I think you will be happy as something is better than nothing and some form of monitors will translate better than using general audio speakers or cheap headphones.

Here is a review from MIX magazine of the Rokit 5's:

I'm sure others will provide some help too. I have somewhat less than stellar Behringer Truth 2301 monitors - but once I became aware of their limitations and adjusted for it, they have served me well and I don't feel the need to upgrade for my current usage. Speaking of which - you may want to see what you can find for used ones as well - mine were used and I got them dirt cheap from guy looking for a quick sell.
yea its the guitar center sale, plus i have a coupon so i will be getting them for a fair deal. Im also wondering if i wait and save hoping to find a killer deal out there but nothing happens and end up wanting to get the Rokit 5s what if they're not on sale anymore. Its kinda like why should i miss out on a good opportunity. The reviews look great, and i know that a lot of people are content with them. I think i should go in for a listen and see what i think of them.