Roll Call For Kataklysm/Dying Fetus/Eleveitie/Keep of Kalessin - The Pearl Room 9/26

After having to deal with work issues via the PC provided for guests at the Super 8, getting mistaken for a Pearl Room affiliate AND a tour manager for Keep of Kalessin :err:, I downed some beers with Jose and we headed over to the Pearl Room.

One local opener was added to the bill. I believe they were called Art of Destruction. Jose can correct me if I am wrong on that. They were a very young foursome. We both agreed that they weren't bad, they just need a year or two to hone their skills and sound.

Keep of Kalessin was next and they just killed it up there. Amazing stage presence and they had a lot of the crowd going. I was happy I got to see them live. Norwegian metal freaking RULES! :kickass:

Next up was Eleveitie, who also had a good chunk of the crowd in their hands. At least this time around they didn't OPEN with their "single" from their latest disc, they closed with it. :) I will say that Eleveitie was kind of the oddball on the bill, since this was pretty much a thrash show. I heard some guys poking fun at them while I was outside for a smoke after their set. Ya know, OK they have some violins and flutes and such, but at heart they are a very heavy band. Ah well, to each their own.

At that point Jose left, so I was pretty much on my own for Dying Fetus and Kataklysm. I did notice that two of the members of Keep of Kalessin were standing by the merch tables talking to fans, so I wandered over there to say my hellos and congratulate them on their performance. I got a picture with Wizziac (bassist) and Vyl (drums). Those are two of the most metal names EVER! Now, if I can figure out how to get the pic from my cell to my computer...o_O I also ran into some of my Iowa friends that had driven out for the show, so that was cool!

I'm sorry, but I could never and will never get into Dying Fetus. I can respect them for what they do, but it's just funny to me. Bless 'em for doing it for as long as they have, but it's just cheese death metal to me. The legions of die hards were out though and the pit ensued.

Last was Kataklysm. Never saw them live before so I was pretty curious. The pit was even bigger than it was for DF, but thankfully I managed to get out of there unscathed. Some of their tunes get a bit too brutal even for me, but all in all I enjoyed what they did and they were really appreciative of the fans coming out to see them.

I walked away with two t-shirts and a Keep of Kalessin disc. Not too shabby.

Went back to the infamous Super 8, partied it up some more with my Iowa buddies and crashed around 2:30AM. I'd say it was a successful night!
This was a great time. KoK was a lot better than I expected, not only did they sound tight as heck but the drummer was a show in itself, doing blast beats while twirling his drumstick in the air. Never seen that before. The singer was great although he had a bit of a "rock star" thing going on, I mean he wasn't a dick or anything but he did have a bit of a show off attitude, at the end of their set he just dropped the mic on the floor a la Alselmo. They were fucking awesome though. :lol:

Eluveitie as a good time as well, they were the ones that I was looking forward to seeing the most and I wasn't disappointed. Even though the sound wasn't that great , I mean it can be hard to get a good overall sound with 7 instruments and 4 mics.
I left right as Dying fetus was starting, never cared for them and I've seen Kataklysm before, besides, I saw who I wanted to see.