Roll call for Trouble @ HOB this Sunday.

Where was everyone??????
I only saw Jose!!
The boy likes his Heinekens!!!

Anyhow, GREAT turnout for such short notice.
The place was filled nicely. Not anywhere near sold out.
Very comfortable to move around still, but solid turnout.

Only saw one song of RIVAL. Definitely have potential.
Kind of a heavier power metal thing going.

Next was Scott Davidson's band SMOKE.
Not what I was expecting.
Korn meets Limp Bizkit meets Primus.
Their singer, while not my style, was very entertaining to watch though.

Kataklysm slayed. They always do.
Tonight was no exception.

Trouble were great as usual as well.
Only complaint was the same setlist as all the shows they played last year.
Took a couple out and added The Misery Shows at the end of the set.
I know they are just getting back as a full-time band.
Hopefully they will mix it up a bit.

All in all a fun show.
Good to see Trouble on a bigger stage with better sound.
Thanks for the review Jason! I trust that Jose drank a brew for me as instructed earlier. ;-) Nice to hear that the turnout was decent. I had a legitimate reason for not attending. I look forward to more reviews!
Thanks for the review Jason! I trust that Jose drank a brew for me as instructed earlier. ;-) Nice to hear that the turnout was decent. I had a legitimate reason for not attending. I look forward to more reviews!

Sorry you couldn't make it.

It was an interesting mix of bands, but seemed to work well.

With better more advanced planning, I think this thing could have been REALLY packed. Trouble have a lot of die hards!


Serves TWO purposes:
1) DOOMS up the lineup
2) You guys won't have to see Bob! :p
Eh, I knew the Chi-town peeps would be representin'!

I agree that some DOOM would be welcome at the fest this year. This shall remain to be seen.

As far as Bob, he's actually decently pleasant in person! Doh! I've unveiled his secret.
Awesome show!
Rival were most excellent, in a way I'm glad I never saw them before this, I was on the rail front and center during all their set. They definetly have a Powermetal sound of sorts but without the cheese element.
Smoke I've seen several times and this show was no different than before although I agree with Jason that the singer was very laughable.
Kataklysm was a band I knew nothing about and they blew me away! I love it when that happens. I'll be buying some cds of theirs soon.
I'm surprised at how many people were there for Trouble, playing in the city makes a hell of a difference. Halfway into their set I went to use the restroom and ran into some people that I know, so I just sat by the bar for another 20 minutes and went home as they were finishing up.
Great time, good show!
Great time, good show!

And you got to hang with me for a while!
That was worth the price of admission...

I have been recommending both Trouble and Kataklysm for Powerfest for a while now. Kataklysm tour a ton now, so I guess their fest appeal isn't what it was a few years ago.

Also, as Jose said, Trouble in the city is a completely different crowd than in the burbs.
Haha! Smoke rules your femmy asses. :p

Ok, so the music isn't Power or Prog. Oh the humanity. :rolleyes:

How many of you have shrugged them off due to Numetal influences, or whatever? Did you know that Damon can actually sing? Did you know that he sings very well when called for. Did you know he's done choral work before (but not with Smoke)?.

And FYI, there are some pretty good lyrics in some of them there Smoke songs. C'mon,

Let go the ego
'cause I plays the lead role ...

Hey, I said it before.
I thought the vocalist was the best part of the band.

Just the whole taking nursery rhymes and twisting them for toilet humor and drug references is a little too Korn meets Marilyn Manson for me, sorry.

They were decent at what they do or whatever.

I think you can certainly understand why most would not care for them. It has nothing to do with what genre of metal you like. It was very MTV-Rap-Nu-Metal whatever you want to call it.

Sorry, just not my thing......
Ummm, I think Nu Metal is more than dead.
Look at that crappy tour the Warped Tour promoter is putting together.

It is a dying ground for crap like Slipknot, Disturbed, etc... So of course DragonForce is jumping on it! :lol: