Roll Call: Redemption w/ Primal Fear 6/6 at the Galaxy in CA

I would *lovelovelove* to see this show... Enjoy yourself and post a review Monday, please.
Just got back to San Diego...good show overall, first time I've been back to the Galaxy since it reopened and it was nice to be there. Decent sized crowd although it seemed to thin a bit after the local bands got done.

Redemption got all of 4 songs. It seemed like there was an issue with Nick's guitar rig, just based on the fact that his tech was out there well after everyone was setup. Having a total brainfart on the first song they played, but:
1) ???
2) The Suffocating Silence
3) Leviathan Rising
4) Walls

Ray seemed a little off and it looked like he had lyric sheets at his feet. I wasn't right in front of the stage so I can't confirm, but he spent a lot of time looking down right before singing and one of their techs/roadies walked off-stage with a binder after their set. Regardless, I enjoyed the hell out of their set and only wish they would've had longer.

Havok were good and I enjoyed them more than I thought I would, but the whole retro-thrash thing still just doesn't float my boat. They're better than a lot of the other bands of that ilk I've seen and I wouldn't complain about seeing them again, but nothing I'd go out of my way for.

Primal Fear were excellent as always and the crowd was small but vocal. Setlist was basically the same as I've seen for prior dates, except they played "Battalions of Hate" during the normal set rather than as an encore. Nice to see a decent number of differences in the setlist compared to last year - they'd still be worth seeing even if it was the same set, but variety is nice. It would have been awesome to see "Armageddon", but such is life.