rolling movie thread

I haven't seen Hidden Fortress yet... I've heard that too, fourthcontact! As well as Seven Samurai, Yojimbo and Sanjuro being the blueprints for a whole slew of spaghetti westerns.
I need to get into Kurosawa. I pretty much need to brush up on my old movie viewings in general. I'm thinking of getting a netflix account for that sole purpose.
Saw Dogtown and the Z Boys last night. It had some extremely annoying editing and probably a bit too much music, but I still liked it for the most part. if you're not already into skateboarding, I wouldn't bother.
I was never into skateboarding (although I'd love to surf and am an avid snowboarder) and I liked it a lot. What annoyed me was all the Jay Adams part about trying to make him a hero that went the wrong path and all. The dude made some stupid choices, and now he sounds like an 18 year-old even though he is twice that age. The other evolved somewhat, he just didn't grow up and thought he could get away with everything.

They other part that I didn't like that much was the self-congradulatory way Stacy Peralta and Craig Stecyk talked about themselves.

They are making a movie about the early period I think, written by Peralta with the kid from Raising Victor Vargas as Tony Alva.
yeah, I agree about Jay Adams. dude did not come out well at all. which reminds me that I need to track down that Gator documentary too.

as for Peralta - he made the movie, so of course he's gonna pat himself on the back. but I'd rather see a Bones Brigade doc than a docu-drama of the dogtown years.
I agree, the Bones Brigades guys might not have had the style of Dogtown boys but the personality are definitly a lot more fun than more full of themselves Alva, Peralta etc..

My point about Peralta and Stecyk was that a little more humility would have been appropriate.
watched the Filth and the Fury on Friday. awesome. great use of stock footage (among other things) alongside the Sex Pistol's music. just really, really well done.

saw the first "episode" of the full version of Fanny & Alexander last night. My wife didn't care for it too much, but I thought it was very promising. I'll probaby take my time with this one.

and finally, went and saw House of Flying Daggers today. a bit too long probably, but pretty good anyways. great ending.
When I saw House of Flying Daggers a bunch of people in the theater were laughing at the ending. I thought it was a good ending as well, despite requiring the suspension of disbelief. It kind of bugged me that so many people were outright giggling.
Has anyone seen Linklater's masterpieceofcrap "Waking Life"? I didn't use the term "masterpieceofcrap" lightly, rarely have I seen a movie that has elicited such diametrically opposed reactions from me. I was simultaneously incredibly impressed with the visuals and utterly insulted by the bloated self-important expounding of pseudo-philisophical dribble. Seriously, it felt like the people talking thought they'd come up with wicked-original thoughts when, in fact, it's nothing I'd never heard before, at the tail-end of a party, when everyone's coming down from their various substance-induced trips and letting their mind wander...

I found the movie redeemed itself in the second half, but man was the first one ever a trial to sit through. I felt like I was being force-fed universal Truths, and I mean, everyone knows the only thing you should force-feed is a goose.

I'm really curious to find out if anyone else had such an allergic initial reaction to this movie. I don't regret having seen it today, but it was quite a herculean task to sit through at the time...
I quite enjoy Waking Life. Granted, some of the vignettes are a bit pretentious without the substance to back it up, but I think overall it very effectively conveys the desired feeling of a dreamlike state. Plus, it's beautiful to look at once you get past the slightly jarring animation style. I'm very excited about the new Linklater movie coming out later this year, A Scanner Darkly, based on the Philip K. Dick book of the same name. It's going to be done in the same animation style as Waking Life, but supposedly they've fine tuned the computer program that they used to do the animation so it'll be a lot different/better visually. Linklater is probably my favorite current American director, so I'm always excited to see anything from him, but even more so with source material as good as a Dick novel. I think he's probably the one director who'll do the author the justice he deserves in adapting the book.

Anyway, last movie I watched was Mean Creek. I liked it a lot overall, despite a certain part in the plot being fairly cliche. It was redeemed when later it showed that it was necessary for that event to have taken place for the movie to go where it needed to go and express what it needed to express.

Next up is Seven Samurai. I joined Netflix so I can watch a lot of important movies that I haven't yet seen and don't have the money to purchase.
Finished Seven Samurai. It was great. It basically had an abundance of everything necessary to make a good movie. The story was kind of meager for as long as it was but that never really hurt it at all.