rolling movie thread

I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith... I really dug it... was way funnier than I expected it to be. I can't wait to see War of the Worlds. For some reason that story has always freaked me out like no ones business.
throne of blood: yeah i felt the same way.

watched two of the lone wolf and cub films this weekend (#3 and #5, i think) - stupid rape shit, shitty attitudes. can't get by it. comic book/70's hip/stark camerawork/uptight attitude on my part/old PC motherfucker or not. stupid shit, argue against it, endlessly justify the pros and cons of a violent life, etc etc zzzzzzzzzzz
Devil's Playground
(documentary on rumspringa/amish teens)
way more depressing and sad than I expected, but of course still incredibly interesting. sometimes reminded me of the people I use to associate with when I smoked too much w33d as a teen.

Batman Begins
not quite as good as Spiderman IMO, but still entertaining. lots of potential for a good franchise. I loved the fear-induced flyover graphics with the evil glowing bat-head.
Land of the Dead: VERY good film! worthy successor to the previous three. I'd heard it was supposed to take place three years after the oubreak, but I don't think that's possible--couldn't have been less than ten. But that's my only gripe with the film, really. There's some cheesy script moments, I guess, but oh well. And Asia Argento has a terribly uneven accent--sometimes American, sometimes very NOT American. But the fact that she's in the movie is awesome.

The Postman--I'd always heard this movie sucked and never saw it. But it was on HBO the other night and, well, the plot idea is really cool. And I thought Waterworld had some really good moments, so maybe I'd disagree with the conventional wisdom on this one?

Eh, sort of. It had some good parts and bad parts. Some seriously amateur director work. But I think that the things that many people thought were "dumb" about the movie weren't the bad parts--a friend was over and he kept shouting DELIVER THE FUCKIN MAIL POSTMAN! WHO CARES ABOUT THE MAIL!--which I think was a bunch of peoples' attitudes, and that's too bad because it's clearly not about the mail.

But what WAS bad about the film was how Costner tried to make it universally accessible by hammering you over the head with all the interesting things--you'd notice cool parallels between the leader of the bandits and the Postman, and then Costner would proceed to talk about those parallels for five minutes. etc. also there were tons of unnecessary scenes and inappropriate scoring, heavy overuse of emotional strings, etc.

Three Amigos-- one of the funniest films of all time. I probably watched it 20 times as a kid. Aysha's never seen it, so I made her, and it was as funny as I remember.
Xfer: I assume Land of the Dead is a sequal. . . to Dawn of the Dead, or the original Dawn/Day of the Dead? Or am I just wrong?!
Saw From Hell, and Dangerous Liaisons side by side, which made me wonder how actors get accent training. Malkovich (in Dangerous Liaisons) had a pretty awful English accent, whereas Depp (From Hell) did a very decent job sounding impersonating an eastender. I'm guessing having a lot of people that speak the accent you intend to mimic on the set helps. I think I'm gonna watch Oedipus Rex tonight, if I can get away from Morrowind.
AndICried said:
Saw From Hell, and Dangerous Liaisons side by side, which made me wonder how actors get accent training. Malkovich (in Dangerous Liaisons) had a pretty awful English accent, whereas Depp (From Hell) did a very decent job sounding impersonating an eastender. I'm guessing having a lot of people that speak the accent you intend to mimic on the set helps.

From Hell was filmed in Prague with pretty much an all american crew, except for the czech people, so I guess he could have gotten that from some of the crew but I am not sure... I am guessing some actors are just better than others at getting accents.

Night of the Living Dead Burzumite