rolling movie thread

is kandahar the one with the woman travelling to visit her sister in kabul? i saw the last two-thirds of it and the ending is incredibly weird. it just comes abruptly and nothing is resolved? or did i miss more than i thought when i left for five minutes partway through?
Yes, that's exactly what it is. Nothing is resolved and it does end weird. Well she is captive so it is not hard to imagine what is going to happen.

That said, the movie is partly based on the lead actress' experience. She tried to go back to Afghanistan to see her best friend and she didn't even go as far as she did in the movie. People wouldn't help her to go to Kaboul because it was too dangerous for them to go there, let alone guiding someone there.
I saw the final film in the three colors trilogy, Red, which was probably the best one, Vertigo, which I loved, Little Otik, which was bizarre and completely genius, and The Cook The Thief His Wife & Her Lover, which was even more bizarre and of a similar level of genius.
Saw Kingdom of Heaven. I wouldn't have normally gone to this, but my highschool english teacher took me and some fellow classmates. It was absolutely terrible. No plot or character development, and even the action was bad. Orlando Bloom sucks.

(it was also historically inaccurate)
watched Day of the Dead yesterday afternoon. i hadn't seen the film in over a decade and did not remember fully half of it. kind of unbelievable because i remember how i used to love this film and watch it on USA as a kid. but i'm pretty sure that at least once i saw a rental version because i have a vivid image of the dude's stump being burned with the torch and i'm pretty sure they wouldn't show that on sunday-afternoon USA movies.

arguably the best of the Dead trilogy, i'd have to say. i had a lot of really interesting ideas while watching it.
Really enjoyed Suzhou River.

Channel 4 seems to be ODing on Iranian Cinema this week:
Yesterday: Where is my Friends House? and Through the Olive Trees
This evening: The Apple (have seen and recommend) and A Moment of Innocence
Tomorrow: The Cow and Still Life
Thursday: 20 Fingers, The Circle and Don

Don looks most interesting to me, but I'll probably end up recording most of them... need to get buy a few more blank vids
Finally saw Team America and am sad to say it was somewhat disappointing. A few amazing scenes and an awesome soundtrack do not make for a wholly satisfying film.
just watched a bittorrented version of hitchhiker's. decent, interesting, somewhat funny, not nearly so much as the book, some bad decisions made, a lot of surprisingly effective word-for-word jokes plucked from the book and presented as voiceovers.
borrowed The Truth About Charlie from someone- only good thing about that dvd is that the movie it's based on (Charade) is offered in widescreen format on the flipside of the disc. Charade: awesome. Truth About Charlie: not so much.
it's a bit bland- and Marky Mark, aside from being way too young for the part, in no way comes close to the charisma of Cary Grant. and while Tim Robbins could've had more screen time, Walter Matthou was great in the original. Demme totally sucked the comic aspect right out of the script, even though the title music still has the air of the original. felt like it tried to be way too Bourne Identity-ish: pretty people running around in Europe.