rolling movie thread

Epidemic. Far and away Von Trier's least entertaining film. Particularly disappointing because the concept is fairly good.

The Sweet Hereafter. Very near to cinematic perfection. One of the most harrowing and affecting films I've ever seen.

Jan Svankmajer's Alice. Not too good. It's visually cool, but overall a boring retelling of a classic.

Mifune. Excellent. Charming, weird, and hilarious. The scene where the movie's title came from, a reference to Toshiro Mifune, is one of the zaniest and most awesome scenes that comes to mind.

The Door in the Floor. Uneven screenwriting, decent direction, and great acting. A mediocre movie.

Medea. An interesting homage to Dreyer by Von Trier that stays pretty true to Dreyer's style. It's a good flick, but I could see it getting tiresome if it had been any longer.

McCabe & Mrs. Miller. My introduction to Altman. I really liked it, mostly for its subtly charming bits. It managed to be simultaneously gentle and captivating until the end when it actually got pretty tense.

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster. I loved the movie and found it hilarious, but it baffles me how so many film critics are calling it a serious look at human emotion, among other things. It's just a bunch of has-been sissies trying to be deep and failing miserably.

The Phantom of Liberty. Probably the most enjoyable of the Buñuel films I've seen. Some of it is utterly hysterical and the rest of it is at least absurdly charming enough to have kept a smile on my face.
Woman in the Dunes. An eerie, cinematographic delight. The plot involves an entomologist, it was made for you people.
This weekend, lots of stuff I should have seen a long time ago:

-Pi: Not bad, interesting direction, barely competent acting, too much voice-overs nearly killed the movie for me

-Waking Life: Loved the rotoscoping and illustration. Interesting philosophical content. Some of the monologues were on the verge of losing me but never enough, I guess it was a success then

-Big Fish: Very nice and feel good fable, usual Burton style fit perfectly.

-Nosferatu (Herzog): After downloading the original I thought I'd give this one a shot. Beatifully shot, Adjani barely competent but damn hot and Kinski was pretty cool as Nosferatu.

Still to come: Elephant
If I remember right, there's some good commentary on the Herzog Nosferatu. Or is it a documentary feature? Anyhow, it's good. It's probably my favorite Kinski film.

Mystic River: Great performances, but some serious flaws with the contrived plot. Plus an extra 10 minutes at the end that added absolutely nothing.
I just got done watching episodes 4, 5, and 6 of star wars. The thing that drew me to them when I was a little kid was, without all of the CG characters and special effects, I had to use my imagination, something I had plenty of when I was a wee bastard. That's the special something I feel is missing from the new movies.
I think one of few movies that still gets my imagination going like it did when I was a kid is 12 Monkeys. In that sense it's a instant classic.
I remember watching that and being very, very confused. It'd probably do me well to watch it again.

I also just got done watching Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, Sanjuro, Yojimbo, and Seven Samurai. All of them are very good. I especially liked Seven Samurai and Sanjuro, though.

Phantom of the Opera - This seems like it's a good book, but this movie bored me to hell. I think the only scene I found interesting was the Masquerade party. I kept feeling like I was watching a bad high school production of it. And one thing that really annoyed me was the way that everybody kept referring to the phantom. If he's going to be called hideous and get a reaction when he takes off his mask like he was actually hideous, then they need to make him look hideous. He just looked like he didn't get his stage make-up finished in that one spot.

p.s. The phantom kept coming across as a big pervert.

The Aviator - Really enjoyed this one. It seemed slow in places, but I think that's just because I started it at 11 p.m. and was already tired.
zombie movie update:

watched "Let Sleeping Corpes Lie" with my roomate matt the other night, or at least most of it anyway.

pretty decent horror movie i have to say. i was a little creeped out at some of it and some of the characters, like the main police detective, were so over the top that it made it very entertaining to watch. although the "shocking" ending was a little anti-climactic i thought.

also i think this qualifies as the first horror movie where i saw a zombie apparently reach into a girl's skirt and rip out her vagina. that was the most disturbing thing i think.
watched 22 of the 26 episodes of "Lost" so far. it's really, really good! there are of course some misfires here and there, but no more so than in any other really good series.
I saw a movie on the 50th (??) anniversary of the first Lumiere camera where they had 50 different directors make their own 52-second film with said camera (the first moving pic camera I believe). As expected, the results are hit and miss, but the overall film was really really good. A bit too heavy on male French directors, but whatevah. Reminds me a bit of The Five Obstructions, too.
AndICried said:
Also saw Rashomon at last... A masterpiece as expected.
Me too! What a great flick, there's no such thing as "troof", what an awesome concept. I kept wondering what the crew from CSI would think of all this though, them and their obsession with "the evidence" and "the facts".

Also saw Stray Dog (Nora Inu), much less impressed was I. Maybe I watched it with an overly critical eye, but so many parts seemed to have an almost childlike innocence, too much so for a "crime thriller"...

And I finally watched Bottle Rocket... Hmmm... Fun, but not "Wes Anderson's masterpiece" as so many people say. Embryonic.
gallipoli - decent. i'm more than a little burned out on australians, in australia, especially. a decent bit of history/tragedy that i didn't know much about. ending scene is about as impactful as they said it would be.

hellsing episode 1-3 - again, negative thought: i don't like japanese animation all that much, and i can't get by all of the gun stuff, but this has moments. the first meeting between police-girl and alucard was great, esp the background music. then all of the theo-political intrigue hits at the end of episode 3 (roman catholic contract killer priest vs protestant-employed vampire vs heathen zombie/vampires), and it gets good, but in the end it's just an oversaturated japanese cartoon.

the mummy's shroud - forget why i wanted to watch this but a glance at the old psychotronic guide (first vol) took the wind out of my sails. "nothing special" was the overall sentiment but this is special, in small ways. one of the later hammer mummy treatments and no big name actors (beyond andre morell, if you can call him a name) to anchor this one out.

formulaic as expected - kid pharoah's corpse shroud is removed by stupid greedy anglos and a templar-guardian-like egyptian guy awakens the giant mummy guardian to kill everyone, and he certainly does in suprisingly brutal ways. throwing screaming people out of windows headfirst, clumsily burning asshole photographers with acid, etc. climax features the mummo running around with an axe buried in his shoulder and then ripping himself apart @ reverse-curse incantation.

script littered with clever little shots, such as one guy commenting on the lady herioglyphist "she's a very talented linguist", smirk smirk smirk. fuck sexism.

watched this from 2:30 - 4:00 am, then proceeded to get on the internet and learn how most of the actors involved are long-dead circa 1978 or so. that sent more chills down my spine than any horror themes in any movie from the past 18 mnths or so
Nut Butter said:
Also saw Stray Dog (Nora Inu), much less impressed was I. Maybe I watched it with an overly critical eye, but so many parts seemed to have an almost childlike innocence, too much so for a "crime thriller"...

Aw, I really enjoyed Stray Dog. Very easy to watch and comprehend.

Saw Umberto D, another brilliant simple film, featuring some awesome non professional actors (both animal and human)