rolling movie thread

I enjoyed Sin City very much! I'm a fan of the graphic novels also and the movie captured them perfectly. I read that there were additional scenes filmed regardless of time constrictions that were intended specifically for the DVD.

I saw Sideways also, great film. I borrowed Closer from a friend but I have yet to watch it.
I should probably go see Kung Fu Hustle on the big screen. I'm glad to hear that they didn't cut anything from the original version. Thank god!

Saw A Knight's Tale last night. It was really fun! Great use of contemporary music.
Avi, you really liked A Knights Tale? It was awful! I wanted to puke in the dance scene. I gues it does have its use if you want schmooze the lady but otherwise...

A friend of mine bought a projector for his home and we watched KFH on that, it was pretty cool.
the mushy parts of AKT were kinda lame, but I thought it was a fun, easy-to-like movie. perfect for sunday night entertainment when you don't want to think too much.

btw, I cancelled my nicheflix account. I'm so bored of international horror and that's all that place seems to carry. *yawn*
8 1/2. I really liked it. It was the kind of zany that was so easy to get into regardless of if you understand exactly what's going on at any given time.
wtg this thread is only 24 pages, this needs to be rectified.

Ehr, borrowing Victim from the library, which was instrumental in the legalization of homosexuality in UK, not sure how well known it is in US.

The Apartment is on tonight, looooooks good.
This weekend:
-Sideways (ok, funny, well written but nothing extraordinary)
-Kandahar (awesome non-judgmental(except for the Taliban) view of Afghanistan
-Casa de Los Babys (very nice)
-Bubba Hotep (Bruce Campbell is soo good as Elvis)
-Bad Education (great, original narrative and very good Garcia Bernal)