rolling movie thread

Baliset said:
does that even make sense or does a scene like that exist in a movie? or i am thinking of something i dreamt or something?

return of the living dead pt 1, and i'm gonna be pissed if someone beats me to it due to this stinking laggy shitfuck of a board.

greg i've seen this movie 25 times at least. it is worth owning, because it is a great and well-written movie, not just as a horror/zombie film. i don't care how cheesy OR delusional it sounds, this is one of the greatest independent films made in the last 20 years.

and yes that is a striking concept! thrown into a mix of other solid ideas, all integrated seamlessly.
yes I THOUGHT that's what it was from! Sadly I haven't seen it since the late 80's. That's going on my netflix, PRONTO.

Nick I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Dawn of the Dead remake - both as a remake and as a seperate entity (for which I think there are very different arguments to be made).
wow ok. cool i am glad i am not imagining this. i watched so much tv in my youth that there are some memories of shows or movies which i saw on tv which i might be confusing with dreams i had and its very hard to keep a grasp on it all now almost 20 years removed from some of these images.
avi: you are probably right. i can't remember where i saw it exactly but i mean all throughbout the late 80's and early 90's i found myself watching joe bob brigg's drive-in theater which also might have shown it.
i wanted to comment on the DotD but i'm always such a negative creep.

basically i DID have a shunt in my brain on going into it, because i agreed with the early arguments that it should have just touted itself under a different name, because the zombie universe is big enough for multiple stories. i think you probably understand what that means, enough to realize that i'm not trying to come from a star trekkie diehard angle. it's just... zombies. lots of possibilities.

as a stand-alone, i think it was OK but i have so many problems with the 2nd half of the movie falling apart. i think the main thing was the non-cohesiveness of ALL of the characters. like, they couldn't hold that many elements together and it just destructed toward the end...

i was having difficulty sensing the doom that i felt in the original, and/or other similar movies... and i have an idea of why. whether anyone quantifies this or not, there is a prevalent movie archetype that surfaced over the last 20 yrs or so, and to jettison all of the over-explanatory stuff i'm just gonna say it's the "you-can't-touch-this" badass aura of the contemporary human. NO ONE is weak or even human, everyone, no matter how "sensitively" written, no matter if the characte is slated for doom -- no one is a tragically flawed human in movies anymore! the corporate honcho character in HUCKABEES encapsuled this BEAUTIFULLY, but of course with the shambling flaws catching up with him.

i haven't seen a "theater" movie in ages that featured a mortal character...

i know i sound like a douche, but this is how i feel. i wanted to like this movie, but, i don't think i'd watch anything other than the opening 45 mins again.

i wanted 2x the opening scene. that was good.

josh what did you make of that WEIRDO scene where the organ player dude was staring at the two security guards laying on the matress w/ their shirts off?

what was he thinking? what were THEY doing? why was that scene cut the way it was????
from imdb:

Paramedic #1: You have no pulse, your blood pressure's zero-over-zero, you have no pupillary response, no reflexes and your temperature is 70 degrees.
Freddy: Well, what does that mean?
Paramedic #1: Well, it's a puzzle because, technically, you're not alive. Except you're conscious, so we don't know what it means.
Freddy: Are you saying we're dead?
Paramedic #2: Well, let's not jump to conclusions.
Freddy: Are you saying we're dead?
Paramedic #2: No conclusions.
Paramedic #1: Obviously I didn't mean you were really dead. Dead people don't move around and talk.
speaking to the 'too many threads/non-cohesiveness' problem, I definitely agree with you on this. I think an easy way they could have dealt with this was to just remove the pregnant woman from the movie entirely, and also her husband, maybe. they felt like the fakest characters out of the entire cast.

I actually loved the security guards in general but that was a very very surreal scene, I think maybe that was it's only purpose. one of the big failings of the movie was that it never communicated that feeling at any point, like you said, the DOOM and utter end-of-the-world surreality that Romero did such a good job at capturing, and I think that might have been thrown in there to manufacture some of that.

I have to say that

a) sarah polley's fall into the bathtub was by far my favorite moment (and it rules that she's a Romero fan). She was awesome through the whole movie and pretty much held it together (though michael kelly's character was also really good, I thought).

b) ving rhames' character sucked. he's capable of a lot more and there was potential and it's impossible for me not to like the dude in pretty much anything but I think they dropped the ball on him, especially if he was supposed to be an update from the dude in Dawn of the Dead.
thanks josh. this is why i feel more comfortable on this board than anywhere, i think.

mindspell - i think we did, and i totally agree with that too

greg that is an awesome, awesome snippet

again josh i DO agree with the sarah polley thoughts. she's THE positive to the movie, and is an amazing extension or compliment (or however you want to phrase it) to the precedent the gaylen ross character set in the original movie (Francine).

i own that ridiculous boxset, and the documentaries/interviews are really great. it took me a few years to realize that gaylen ross really made that movie. she's a neglected presence who i wish starred in or at least supported more films, and i've been tempted a few times to post her pic on "stars you'd like to hang out with" threads on lesser, lesser boards.
ever see a zombie movie with a scene where a zombie fights a shark underwater? and there's a scene where a zombie busts through a door, grabs a woman, pulls her toward the door at a painstakingly slow pace while the camera does close-ups on her eye, which is slowly pulled toward a shard of wood which eventually punctures her eye, with her screaming all the time
this was showing the other night in some bar, don't know the name of it but would like to see the whole thing if it's not too painfully bad.