rolling movie thread

I watched the end of V: Final Battle and Sin City this weekend. Both pretty entertaining. Sin City is a bit episodic but I am a sucker for comic book movies and this one works in more ways than it doesn't
Sin City is supposed to be episodic, either that is a poorly thought out criticism or your failure at commanding the English language.
Sin City is supposed to be episodic in comic book form, it was written that way. Movies on the other hand don't usually work that well in that context, hence the fact that it was a small criticism on my part. I am not familiar with the graphic novels to begin with anyway...
i saw sin city on saturday and thought it was really awesome.

apparently there was this guy sitting next to me a few seats away that loved the comic book because he would cheer when certain characters would make their first appearance or they used an actual bit of dialogue from the graphic novel or something.

also there was this stupid girl who kept answering her cell phone during the movie on the other side of me.
i saw sin city and it was darn good!

it felt like a 3.5 hour movie even though it was only 2. that sounds like it's slow/draggy, but not at all-it's because they pack so much story into the film.

half the film is actually, like, they're quickly telling stories with voice-over while they have quick images and summaries of what happens on the screen. it keeps the noir feel and also allows them to pack a LOT of the series into the film--brilliantly done. and obviously the movie is beautiful, too.
tonight i'm watching Day of the Dead--i havent seen it in more than a decade and i loved it as a kid. but i often saw it on USA so i barely remember the gory version.
I watched the NEW Dawn of the Dead last night and I have to say, I thought it was fucking amazing. It was the first movie to legitimately scare and disturb me in a long long time.

I took issue with the speed of the zombies at first, but once I got over that I thought it was nearly flawless. Excellent acting and effects - I even covered my eyes a couple times.

One thing I wasn't 100% behind was the pacing, there was never much tension built up throughout the film. Sure for little sequences it got pretty tense but I didn't really get the same 'we're the only people left, and they're closing in' feeling that the old movies had, especially day of the dead.

but yeah, holy shit. so good.
I thought that was a given?

ok I just realized that the zombie movie that traumatized me as a young child was Return of the Living Dead. I distinctly remember a zombie torso writhing around on the ground.
end of the century - ramones doc. pretty good, wish there was more footage and less pics.

there is something i never quite understood about native NYers, and johnny in particular demonstrates it here - the "wooden face", which acts as a sort of figurehead for what i see as a very linear form of creativity. i almost want to say lack of creativity. no expression, very little straying as far as thoughts go, but then again not necessarily focused - self destructive if there's any vice. my ex GF's parents were totally like this, and her grandparents, as are any people i know (who were born in the area).

i never see anybody else from other cities act like this!

i have to love joey. i don't see who couldn't.
i can't remember which zombie movie traumatized me but i vaguely remember a scene from one in which these guys rescue these two guys and tell them that they are dead but the guys are confused as to why they are still alive and its because they are zombies.

does that even make sense or does a scene like that exist in a movie? or i am thinking of something i dreamt or something?

either way the idea of thinking you are alive and being told you are dead and then realizing you are a zombie kind of scared the shit out of me for like EVER.