rolling movie thread

«V-The Original Series» and one third of «V-The Final Battle». Aged surprisingly well, I expected a lot worse. So of the FX are ridiculously bad but it wasn't frequent enough bother me. The writing was pretty intelligent.
The Ring Two. Horrendous, but in the same way a really good car wreck is (incidentally the best scene involved a car getting wrecked).

I also watched the original Insomnia, which was excellent, and Barry Lyndon, which was also excellent.
domestic disturbance, which was totally predictable, right down to what second someone would get hit and how/with what. vince vaughan is still a dece villan though.

part of the stepford wives remake which was okay before i fell asleep. a bit over the top goofed up, but might turn out ok.
I watched the Stepford Wives the same weekend as I Robot. Let's just say the SW is a nice entertainment, nothing more, and was miles ahead of I Robot in terms of quality. That wasn't a very good weekend.
i saw the first insomnia but it's been a while. very stark, quiet, and music-less; kind of like the original Vanishing, right? unlike the hollywood schmaltz versions that can't leave things quiet.
yeah, kinda like that. I never made the Vanishing connection, but I agree that it's kinda similar in that it leaves a lot of stuff hanging without resolution. I own the original Insomnia on DVD, but it's not exactly the sort of thing I watch that often.