rolling movie thread

i saw Morvern Callar and stopped about 2/3 of the way through wanting my time back. but yeah, the music was good. movie was kind of edgy just for the sake of being edgy, but with nothing substantial or worthwhile being said and the whole thing going nowhere. and not even going nowhere in a good sense like i thought Buffalo 66 did, just bad.

The Spanish Prisoner which was really good. good inventive, suspenseful story. w/ steve martin & an intriguingly awkward cast. I'd definitely watch it again- good plot twists, several of which were unexpected.

The Musketeer was total crap. pretty scenes, but really bad acting/story/dialogue. way too modernized and just plain dumb. all the action scenes were too modern (ie, in place of Hollywood Stunt #s 348-362 done usually with a car chase, let's do the same exact stunt with a horse carriage chase) and nothing redeeming about any of the acting except catherine deneuve who made a good ballsy queen.
I watched Bend it like Beckham and it was quite a bit better than I expected. A few too many musical montages, but otherwise really run and well done. The DVD bonus of the director cooking aloo gobi while her mother coaches her is really really funny.
saw the end of Fanny & Alexander this past weekend. It got waaaaaay better towards the end and I really, really enjoyed all the weird fantasy stuff. totally worth the six hours or whatever length it is.
I saw Robots, I didn't like it that much. Visually, it was stunning, but it has nothing on The Incredibles, which came out on DVD today and since I got my tax return I didn't feel too bad about buying.
Draft Dodging Scarecrow said:
I saw Robots today and enjoyed it. I've yet to see Incredibles, but will very soon.
Robots was really clever, I thought, but I guess I'm getting a little bored of computer generated movies all basically having the same formula and sense of humor. Too bad it's not sound yet to make CG flicks with a different appeal, from a financial/time spent standpoint. : /
i will borrow the incredibles from my mom when she buys it (since it will likely have a large display in the store and she's vulnerable to those).

bought a cheap used copy of Chinese Ghost Story III. never seen I or II, but heard they were good. this one was too cheap to pass up. call it 'fattening the collection'.
what are you talking about? seeing the flesh torn off of his ribs really lets you know what a sacrifice jesus made because you're imperfect.

ok, so i chuckled at that part when i saw the passion.
Too many liberties? Scorcese filmed interpretations of theologians, he didn't make this up. Whether or not any of it is true is another matter. Whether any of the bible is true is also another matter. The Passion was a Hollywood movie, just like many others: pump everything up to the point where half of it is unbelievable.