Romeo's studio


New Metal Member
Dec 26, 2004
I was reading some of the interviews at the Symphony X site, and they talked quite a bit about recording at MR's home studio.
Does anyone know anything about it? What equipment it has? How it runs? What is processed through what? What programs they use? Whether they distort the guitars before or after recording it? ANY information would be helpful......

How would that be helpful? And not to sound like an ass...But I don't think very many people would know that kind of information unless we have some stalkers on these forums. I would imagine it is a pretty kickass home studio, with probably more than $100,000 put into it (Or some other ridiculous number).
I don't think it would be too outrageously expensive.....I think they recorded with it earlier on in the band's life, before they were making enough money to put $100,000 into it....

I'm sure there's someone out there who may know some things about it, even if they're not in the forum. There's probably people who know how many times John Petrucci cuts his toe nails a month, so it's worth a try asking about a home studio.
im not completly sure but i think the odyssey was recorded in mjr's studio, and theres a few pictures of it in the booklette
You can make a great studio for under £10,000, ($20000?) so I doubt it would be anything way over the top...
How would that be helpful? And not to sound like an ass...But I don't think very many people would know that kind of information unless we have some stalkers on these forums. I would imagine it is a pretty kickass home studio, with probably more than $100,000 put into it (Or some other ridiculous number).

Its responses like that , that make this forum almost worthless... wtf does wanting to know some of Romeo's home recording equipment have to do with stalking? This is a musicians forum... the guy asked a music/recording related question... so if you dont have an answer to the questiuon or at least some insight then screw off.

To the original poster I "think" I read somewhere he was using Cubase SX 2.0 , and Gigastudio for some of his orchestral arrangements.. dont quote me on that however.
And also I think way earlier down the line they were using Tascam's DA series DTRS multitrack recorders as well,

but yea matt's right, PC's with Nuendo, and Gigastudio, and a lot of games.
i kno that for the huge orchestral tracks he is...for lack of a better word, slaving other computers...with nuendo you can do crazy stuff like that.
Would any of you happen to know what he has for a soundcard to get a low latency and clean sounding recording? Or what would be needed to just get a low latency clean sounding recording?
Dobbit said:
Would any of you happen to know what he has for a soundcard to get a low latency and clean sounding recording? Or what would be needed to just get a low latency clean sounding recording?

for really professional stuff you really go in via outboard gear, not sound cards, or at least some sort of audio interface. I know Pro Tools has stuff designed to work specifically for that. I just use an interface called the Firestation by Presonus that connects via firewire.
Yngvai X said:
for really professional stuff you really go in via outboard gear, not sound cards, or at least some sort of audio interface. I know Pro Tools has stuff designed to work specifically for that. I just use an interface called the Firestation by Presonus that connects via firewire.

Ah, ok, thanks! Any idea where I might be able to find out more about this? And about how much would it set me back? I use N-track Studio to record with, its a pretty cheap program, which is why I got it, lol. Any outboard gear/audio interface that is compatible with anything or something?
Romeo.jr said:
i kno that for the huge orchestral tracks he is...for lack of a better word, slaving other computers...with nuendo you can do crazy stuff like that.

Well kinda, but actually what he probably did (only because quite a few studios do this who you use it) is he used one, maybe two seperate PC's, both of which have Gigastudio loaded, and then those are sent to the main studio PC running (as far as we know) Nuendo, via a multi-channel ADAT optical line, although MIDI messages from the main computer are relayed to the Gigastudio machine(s) first. Kind of like a big cycle.

Speaking of slaving other computers, Emagic/Apple's Logic Pro 7 is supposed to do exactly that, can't wait to check it out...
Dobbit said:
Ah, ok, thanks! Any idea where I might be able to find out more about this? And about how much would it set me back? I use N-track Studio to record with, its a pretty cheap program, which is why I got it, lol. Any outboard gear/audio interface that is compatible with anything or something?
Later this month I plan on buying a Mbox and a 2nd computer soley for recording to see how well I (a novice) can record some covers. But that bastard Max Dible wants to get better equipment, but he's always poor (this statement is for Yngvie X)
IM not sure what the exact setup is but ill ask laponde next time i talk to him. Last i heard i think he was using an M Audio sound card but i dont remember the exact model.

In my own studio im curretly running
Cakewalk Sonar 4
Propellerhead Reason
Native Instruments Battery
Acid 4.0
Im running a Darla Sound Card
and all controling is done with a Oxygen 8

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