Roope making a solo for Amon Amarth's upcoming album.

Some Amon Amarth fans aren't taking the news well :lol: but I think it's awesome, can't waitto hear it.


EDIT: Amon Amarth fans (the ones on the AA forum that posted at least) are fucking faggots.

:lol: yea. They can cry all they want, but the fact is that Roope is a better guitar player than the AA guitar players...and so is Alexi (dunno why they're bashing "COB", they should just bash Roope :/) but oh well..
... and is Jaska also doing a little moonlighting with AA? :lol:

But not when a great guitar player is lying down a solo that's bound to be :kickass: for your fav band's new album. I wouldn't mind at all if for next Bodom album Muhamed from Necrophagist or the almighty Paul Gilbert squeezed a solo. I would complain if a less skilled guitar player than Alexi or Roope did though.
But not when a great guitar player is lying down a solo that's bound to be :kickass: for your fav band's new album. I wouldn't mind at all if for next Bodom album Muhamed from Necrophagist or the almighty Paul Gilbert squeezed a solo. I would complain if a less skilled guitar player than Alexi or Roope did though.


"Lol but not same thing, Slipknot suks lol"
But not when a great guitar player is lying down a solo that's bound to be :kickass: for your fav band's new album. I wouldn't mind at all if for next Bodom album Muhamed from Necrophagist or the almighty Paul Gilbert squeezed a solo. I would complain if a less skilled guitar player than Alexi or Roope did though.
I see your point.
But AA is not so technical as other bands (i really like them but not because of a guitar virtuoso) are. So the guitar work is not that important and you don't care that much about the guitar player's musical skills but about his personal impression.
I see your point.
But AA is not so technical as other bands (i really like them but not because of a guitar virtuoso) are. So the guitar work is not that important and you don't care that much about the guitar player's musical skills but about his personal impression.

Yea but if they wanted some technical aspect to heir music but were unable to provide it successfully themselves?
Yeah, a guy most suck really much in music to admit that he can't do something and ask help.

Fuck, those who don't record all instrument by themselves are so fucking fags.

Oh and by the way:

Playing styles.
^Quite true, same as ProTools bands.


"Lol but not same thing, Slipknot suks lol"

Kind of :lol: Not exactly, but Roope pwns Mick Thompson and the other guitar player from Slipknot hands tied.

I see your point.
But AA is not so technical as other bands (i really like them but not because of a guitar virtuoso) are. So the guitar work is not that important and you don't care that much about the guitar player's musical skills but about his personal impression.

I know that AA is not technical at all (I happened to cover Pursuit Of Vikings with my band, and it's the most boring song I've ever played, although it's cool as song to hear), but Roope has enough abilities and knowledge to squeeze a solo on there and don't make it seem like guitar wanking while doing stuf that AA players wouldn't even dream of doing.
amon amarth is for people who like hard objects up their ass.

the epitome of generic metal

Now lets see how many explode


Nah i do agree...they are pretty generic but i still think they sound pretty nice. Don't listen to them though.


Nah i do agree...they are pretty generic but i still think they sound pretty nice. Don't listen to them though.

:lol:!! Fucking fag, you woke my cat up :lol:
as generic as they might be, they are still an awesome band, one of my favorites in fact. You gotta take your heard out of your ass and actually try to enjoy the music instead of liking it for being original or whatever.