

Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Earlier today I was counting down the seconds until my lunchbreak, keeping myself amused and awake with my own version of the orchestral bit from DoD (the song). One of my colleagues then wandered past and asked "why are you whistling The Chicken Dance?"

I somehow managed to pick myself up off the floor and explain without laughing fit to burst. What next, Sign of the Chook? The Rooster? Rime of the Ancient Marinade? :lol: :lol:

On a completely unrelated note, well, sort of related, I misheard one of the lyrics on No More Lies when I was listening to DoD on the bus this morning.

Does anyone else think it sounds like Bruce says 'the cock is fast' around the 3 minute 15 second mark into the song???? Of course it's really 'the clock is fast', but give it a listen :)