Omaha, NE is infested with criminal activity. 92% of American cities have a lower rate of crime than here. Our crime rate is higher than Chicago.
Racist or not, most of the violent crime occurs in the black neighborhoods. Click on the link and look at the map. Most blacks live in the northeastern part of town, and as one can see by looking at the map that the crime rates are quite high there. Other high crime areas are the southeast (Mexicans), and north-central (white). Of course, the common thread between all these high crime areas is poverty, which is much more common in this city in comparison to others. I live in a relatively safe working/middle class neighborhood, but crime is still even a problem here, because of all of the run down apartments close the the interstate (and I'm not proud to admit that I live in one of these).
EDIT: Look at this shit, just happened over the weekend:
Pizza delivery man murdered and robbed