Rough neighbourhoods near where you live

Toronto is a very safe city and I have never really felt uneasy. Apparently the intersection of Jane and Finch has a bunch of huge housing projects and is subsequently shitty, but that is very far from me. The street I live on is inhabited by student and old chinese people, and the neighborhoods surrounding it are inhabited by old Italian people. There is a vocational high school near my house, but the worst you get are stupid teens.
Omaha, NE is infested with criminal activity. 92% of American cities have a lower rate of crime than here. Our crime rate is higher than Chicago.


Racist or not, most of the violent crime occurs in the black neighborhoods. Click on the link and look at the map. Most blacks live in the northeastern part of town, and as one can see by looking at the map that the crime rates are quite high there. Other high crime areas are the southeast (Mexicans), and north-central (white). Of course, the common thread between all these high crime areas is poverty, which is much more common in this city in comparison to others. I live in a relatively safe working/middle class neighborhood, but crime is still even a problem here, because of all of the run down apartments close the the interstate (and I'm not proud to admit that I live in one of these).

EDIT: Look at this shit, just happened over the weekend:
Pizza delivery man murdered and robbed

They robbed him for fucking 25 dollars. Killed over a 20 and a 5.

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Also, they didn't even take the pizza. I can imagine the homicide unit eating it at the scene.
haha my friends got pistol whipped by some teenage kids with guns in Albany. they didn't want money, just the pizza.
I live in one of the nicer neighborhoods in Chicago. I can tell because the gays want to live there. Generally the north side is very pleasant, even in the ethnic neighborhoods, and the south and west sides are pretty bad aside from an enclave or two, like where Obama lived. Yeah, the south side is pretty bad, but it was statistically much worse in previous decades, and if you use rate stats it's not the worst, but there's no way in hell I'd want to live there.
They robbed him for fucking 25 dollars. Killed over a 20 and a 5.

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Also, they didn't even take the pizza. I can imagine the homicide unit eating it at the scene.

COP #1: What do we have here , lieutenant?
COP #2: MMM GRMFH MUNCH SMACK! Um, looks like a stuffed-crust meat lover's.
COP #1: No, no, I'm talking about the fucking crime scene!

I live in The Valley, a suburb of Brisbane which is full of homeless Aboriginals and supposedly a fairly dodgy area, but I still don't really find it that bad. I think walking around with headphones on all the time is a huge help because if anyone tries to start shit you automatically ignore them. Without headphones if someone says something there's always the kneejerk reaction to say something smartarse back, which probably would have resulted in getting the shit kicked out of me a few times by now.

It's interesting to see the blood and spew patterns walking through the area where all the bars and clubs are on my way to work on early on Saturday or Sunday morning. Looking at the splatter pattern and working out what happened is pretty interesting, 'Guy got punched here, walked over here, blew some blood out of his nose here, stumbled over here.' The Council usually do a pretty good job of cleaning it up though, because it's usually all gone by the time I walk home in the arvo.

Oh yeah, Brisbane also had it's own real life Lesbian Vampire Killer: Beat that Sydney and Melbourne!
Toronto is a very safe city and I have never really felt uneasy.

I have to agree, walked to a gig at the Velvet Underground, it was a Wednesday night, plenty people on the streets, felt very safe

I live in one of the nicer neighborhoods in Chicago. Yeah, the south side is pretty bad, but it was statistically much worse in previous decades

You mean like when Al Capone ran around? lol.

The city seemed rather safe but then again Lolapalooza & Summer Slaughter was on so plenty of people everywhere those nights.


I was there a few weeks back looking for Metal gigs - it seemed pretty dead.

Mathiäs;9367640 said:
St. Louis.

Was there too, bugger all gigs, went into the CrackFox it was dead - Wednesday night though.

I'm in a pretty nice neighborhood in Vegas though

Did you go to Vital Remains a couple of weeks ago?

As for Sydney Australia, reasonably safe but the areas where the Lebanese (drug dealers, bikers and homeboy wannabes) and poor Australians live there is naturally more crime.

Here in Tasmania it's only rough/dodgy if you decide to go out on a saturday night,then you have to defend against drunk 18/19 year olds who automatically become six foot tall and bulletproof after they've drunk their six-pack of lollie water or whatever they drink,I don't go out for those reasons and because Launceston's nightlife is total shit to say the least.It's funny driving through the housing commission areas of my town,Rocherlea and Ravenswood just to see the burnout marks which literally run from one side of the road to the other,despite the local council having put speed humps on the roads there.Their cars must have some great suspension lol.We have the worst of the worst here,basically second and third generations of fucked up people who have no intentions whatsoever of ever getting off welfare payments,their parents were dole bludgers and their parents before them and they are always the ones who seem to breed like rabbits,there's alot of single mothers here to who see having kids as an income,fucking pisses me right off and i'd gladly volunteer this place as the next Korean nuclear testing site just to wipe these lowlife from the face of the earth.I feel a bit sorry for the Aboriginal population as alot of them truely have very little opportunities but these white trash types that breed up here can go to hell.
Here in Tasmania it's only rough/dodgy if you decide to go out on a saturday night,then you have to defend against drunk 18/19 year olds who automatically become six foot tall and bulletproof after they've drunk their six-pack of lollie water or whatever they drink,I don't go out for those reasons and because Launceston's nightlife is total shit to say the least.It's funny driving through the housing commission areas of my town,Rocherlea and Ravenswood just to see the burnout marks which literally run from one side of the road to the other,despite the local council having put speed humps on the roads there.Their cars must have some great suspension lol.We have the worst of the worst here,basically second and third generations of fucked up people who have no intentions whatsoever of ever getting off welfare payments,their parents were dole bludgers and their parents before them and they are always the ones who seem to breed like rabbits,there's alot of single mothers here to who see having kids as an income,fucking pisses me right off and i'd gladly volunteer this place as the next Korean nuclear testing site just to wipe these lowlife from the face of the earth.I feel a bit sorry for the Aboriginal population as alot of them truely have very little opportunities but these white trash types that breed up here can go to hell.

That is what I imagine the UK to be like, haha. Sounds pretty rough and sort of like the rural areas of my general area in Japan. It's kind of "forgotten" and everyone has been sort of down and out for generations.
Being at school I live really close to Grand Rapids, MI. There's definitely some nasty areas, I don't know any stats on the crime rates though. I'm sure there's lots of friendly minorities who could tell me all about it.
It's good to have a generous welfare system but it's fucking hard to stop it from being abused,I know of a couple of bitches in particular who have multiple kids to different fathers and winge and bitch about how hard it is looking after their kids,yet gladly take the $ that these kids bring in as well as getting maintainence $ from the fathers who don't stick around because they are whores.Yet these mothers will try to tell you that the fathers are bad people.And alot of them use the old 'geez I had a rough day with the kids' excuse at the end of the day to use the money to buy cheap bottles of wine.It's just downright annoying.
I'm no expert, but rewarding poor people for having more children sounds pretty counterproductive in terms of getting them back to work. There should be a "you only get one kid if you're on welfare" rule. Like China, man.
Yeah it's just wrong,wrong,wrong and the tax payer is the one supporting these drunken losers,not only that but they are sending their kids a very bad msg,I can see how the cycle continues,these kids will be exactly the same when they grow up.
I'm sure there's lots of friendly minorities who could tell me all about it.

When I was in Detroit the cab driver (Indian) was telling me it had the highest crime rate in the USA.

When I mentioned this to the guy who runs the I-Rock he said, Indian? Man those guys are afraid of everything. lol.

There were a lot of beggars in Detroit though and it really was sad to see the place is a ghost town. It was pretty clean downtown and didnt' seem violent but you just get a real eerie feeling walking in some parts.

I was told out in the suburbs the crime rate is pretty bad.

I use social welfare, I'll admit it. I get gov't assistance for food and am working on getting financial aide for my daughter's pre-school tuition. When the assistance is specifically rationed for specific reasons, welfare is useful. Unfortunately, welfare moms like the ones you have described exist all over America, and I have had the displeasure of knowing a few. I know a chick who pays less than $10/month for a 2 bedroom apartment (title 19 housing), gets $400+ food stamps (which she spends mostly on junk food and soda for her obese and hyperactive shithead kid), child support, WIC, disability, you name it. All she does is sit around smoking weed, getting drunk, and fucking all the dudes in her complex. I get so pissed about how she can live her lifestyle, but a man like me who is working and trying to make ends meet (but can't quite do it) has to jump through hoops to get a little gov't assistance.
My mom is from Detroit (inner city, not burbs). Amazing and heartbreaking how it just imploded on itself like that.