Roughmix of my latest project, power violence grindcore!


Jul 27, 2005
finished tracking those guys last weekend, and just finished up the roughmix.
any comments will be appreciated!
i'm loving those guys, stellar live band too.

some tech details:
all natural drums besides the kick, which is a blend of a slate and alesis dm5 sample.
guitars are 5150 and sansamp.
bass is just podfarm.

other than that it's pretty straighforward. after all it's a blend of slam death and powerviolence/grindcore, shit's supposed to be somewhat rough. i haven't checked in my car yet, but so far it seems as if i got the balance between dirt and clarity just about right. but tell me what you think!

link: Infected Weed Seeker.mp3

loving the lyrics btw :rock:
is this mastered ? sounds totally slammed in places.
but maybe its cool for the style. gives a more aggressive feel.
snare sounds 100 % replaced to my ewars but maybge its the dm5 sample thats a little too static...
guitars sound digital thin and empty me.

but man, just personal preference. i dont know, hope im not ruining your day, haha. just trying to give a little
insight in how i hear this on first listen on my opals.

all in all its cool for the style i guess.!
and : if the bands happy, you did a great job! ;-)
power violence grindcore^^

I like it a lot!
A matter of taste but a like the snare more audible, it would be cool(imo) to lower the kick a tad and bring the snare a little bit up.

Sick band and cool mix!

is this mastered ? sounds totally slammed in places.
but maybe its cool for the style. gives a more aggressive feel.
snare sounds 100 % replaced to my ewars but maybge its the dm5 sample thats a little too static...
guitars sound digital thin and empty me.

but man, just personal preference. i dont know, hope im not ruining your day, haha. just trying to give a little
insight in how i hear this on first listen on my opals.

all in all its cool for the style i guess.!
and : if the bands happy, you did a great job! ;-)

i just sent it out to the band, don't know about their feedback yet.
yes master is definitely slammed, i might back it off a notch or two. it's around -8dm rms right now, definitely hot (hotter than i'd usually go for). but then again it's supposed to be somewhat dirty and raw, i went more for aggression than clarity here.

dm5 sample is on kick only btw, as i said snare is 100% natural. i would have loved to get some nice grindcore ring out of the snare, but there was very little in it (didn't track drums, would have tuned the snare different) and it was hard to eq that in so i didn't do it.

thanks for the input though. always good to have a set of fresh ears tell something about it.

oh, and btw, it's not the final master. more like nearly finished mix with a quick mastering job.

edit: about the guitars...well let me just say that their guitar player is using a pod 2.0 (with cab sim ON) through a warp 7 live, and really digs that sound....they have a very distinct taste as far as guitar tones go, let me put it that way.
originally i had only reamped through the 5150, which was a more natural tone, but i didn't think it fit their style, hence the sansamp blend. i guess it's the sansamp that you're hearing as digital.