Route 666 - Audio Clips

Tried it through the studio monitors and headphones after getting a decent capture.

The vocals and guitars sound fantastic but I think the website compression is squashing drums and bass a bit much. I listened to the Phantom clip and the bass seems a bit thinner there as well compared to the actual CD.

Sounds much better through the monitors

I'm sure the ladies have the actual thing and can tell us how affected the samples are by the .mp3 upload limitations.

Tried it through the studio monitors and headphones after getting a decent capture.

The vocals and guitars sound fantastic but I think the website compression is squashing drums and bass a bit much. I listened to the Phantom clip and the bass seems a bit thinner there as well compared to the actual CD.

Sounds much better through the monitors

I'm sure the ladies have the actual thing and can tell us how affected the samples are by the .mp3 upload limitations.


MP3s are very useful things but aren't great for capturing the BIG picture are they? They never sound as good as the full size file - and I think drums and especially bass are probably the most affected by the file compression.
I throughly enjoyed both songs. "Fear of the Dark" kicked major butt.

That actually sounded heavier than what Maiden themselves have ever played it. It had more of a crunch metal sound on the guitars than what Davey, H, and Janick have ever played it.

It wouldn't surprise me if they did sound heavier. On the first CD I think Aces and Wasted they actually outdid the original studio versions. In particular on Aces I think Wanda out attacks Steve in the aggressive playing she did. :headbang:

On Wasted the backing vocals Aja laid down work better IMO than the original. :worship:
