ROYAL CARNAGE APRIL MADNESS: Round #6.66: Another tie breaker

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Erik said:
Gotta go with Katatonia I think...
Dude hasn't Agalloch been your favorite band for some years now? And you've shit on them twice so far?

No loyalty. :loco:
This is a tough one.

Mantle/Pale Folklore vs. DoDS/BMD
OSWP vs Sounds of Decay

All the rest from The Grey EP to suicide rock Kata and nu-Katatonia don't matter because they suck.

Let me mull over this one.
One Inch Man said:
Dude hasn't Agalloch been your favorite band for some years now? And you've shit on them twice so far?

No loyalty. :loco:
They might be my favourite band at the MOMENT because what they're doing currently (well up to and including The Mantle, anyway) is above what Katatonia is doing currently. HOWEVER old Katatonia's track record is hard to beat. Dem shitz is complicated. I vote with teh heart. :p
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