Royal Carnage HATE Thread

List something that you hate.

me right now: health insurance smokescreens. It's that time of year where I can select a health plan for the next calendar year and of course all plans are getting more expensive, but I am so sick of "non-f0rmulary" prescriptions and "level two" prescriptions and "$25 andor 35% whichever is more" and I could take a p[hillips head screwdriver and drive it into the eye sockets of every health insurance executive in america and swizzle it around in the aqueous humour (sp) and then slowly take a belt sander to their genitals and laugh maniacally and then, o9h yes then, the ancient art of drawing and quartering.


oh, and George Bush too, because he's constantly getting blowj0bs from those guys.
I hate people that complain while they are doing something that you offered to do for them... and I hate my brothers girlfriend.
There's these two chicks in my dorm, one of whom I seriously have the hots for, who are both dating guys who pretty much treated them like shit. They both keep saying "My roommate's boyfriend is such an asshole, I don't know why she just doesn't dump him, blah blah blah" and going on to perfectly describe their OWN situation and the solution to it apparently without realizing it.

It kinda pisses me off.

Also I hate Killswitch Engage. Fuck that band.
Gosh, we've sunk billions of dollars into the these government-funded "abstinence education" courses and they're still no more educational than looking at cousin Bubba's Hustler collection behind the Piggly Wiggly. (That's where we learned about douching with Coke!) As you may have heard, a Congressional report of Bush administration-approved (lack of) sex education programs found that these curricula handed down such bits of wisdom as:

• A 43-day-old fetus is a "thinking person."
• HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can be spread via sweat and tears.
• Condoms fail to prevent HIV transmission as often as 31 percent of the time in heterosexual intercourse.
• Women who have an abortion "are more prone to suicide" and that as many as 10 percent of them become sterile.
Pyrus said:
There's these two chicks in my dorm, one of whom I seriously have the hots for, who are both dating guys who pretty much treated them like shit. They both keep saying "My roommate's boyfriend is such an asshole, I don't know why she just doesn't dump him, blah blah blah" and going on to perfectly describe their OWN situation and the solution to it apparently without realizing it.
I've found it best to run from this situations. Bitches like that never learn, so there is no point in wasting time or effort on them.

I hate hearing news about my ex-girlfriend from my friends, it means she is still lurking around my life somewhere.
I hate the fact that I have nothing better to do with my life than talk to you guys on the internet all day.

I didn't mean that. I love you guys.
In line with previous posts here, I'll go with "really nice chicks that only go for really nasty bastards". And then, at the age of 31 begin to realize that all the men they've dated have been complete wankers and all remaining men are either married or gay, but they need a baby because their 'body clock' is ticking they're left with being 20lb overweight and watching re-runs of "Sex in the City".

Actually, I could have just said 'chicks' I suppose. Misogyny rules. :loco:
I would be easy to make an inductive argument from this:

NAD hates chick #1
NAD hates chick #2
NAD hates chick #3
NAD hates chick #4
NAD hates chick #5
NAD hates chick #6
NAD hates chick #7
NAD hates chick #8
NAD hates chick #9
NAD hates chick #10
NAD hates chick #11
NAD hates chick #12
NAD hates chick #13
NAD hates chick #14
NAD hates chick #15
NAD hates chick #16
NAD hates chick #17
NAD hates chick #18
NAD hates chick #19
NAD hates chick #20
NAD hates chick #21
NAD hates chick #22
NAD hates chick #23
NAD hates chick #24
NAD likes chick #25
NAD hates chick #26
NAD hates chick #27
NAD hates chick #28
NAD hates chick #29
NAD hates chick #30
NAD hates chick #31
NAD hates chick #32
NAD hates chick #33
NAD hates chick #34
NAD hates chick #35
NAD hates chick #36
NAD hates chick #37
NAD hates chick #38
NAD hates chick #39
NAD hates chick #40
NAD hates chick #41
NAD hates chick #42
NAD hates chick #43
NAD hates chick #44
NAD hates chick #163

Therefore NAD hates MOST chicks.
Whoops. There have only been about 5 chicks in my life over the past few years, they just seem to add up higher because they all partake in thousands of stupid things.
I've mostly experienced annoyances lately, like fuzz from my socks getting stuck to my feet and ending up in my bed, people not doing the dishes in the common kitchen and a rash on my right index finger.

Nothing worthy of the word hate, which might, after reading this thread, be due to me not having any contact with females :tickled: