Royal Carnage HATE Thread

What I hate:

Life insurance ads that make you feel fucking GUILTY. Just saw one on Yahoo email that showed a picture of a little kid sobbing and the caption was YOU DIE, LOVE DOESN'T. That's fucked up. Fuck you life insurance guilt spreaders. :mad:
Erik said:

One on the far right is Jaykeeley as a young lad going to hardcore shows.
Rule #1 with chicks: Do not. EVER. Buy them an appliance, unless they specifically ask for one, but even then, you better back it up with something mushy, and it's not a good idea to buy said appliances for a holiday anyhow. This only applies for male to female gifts.

This comprises about 40% of my knowledge concerning women.
My dad once bought my mom a blender for Christmas. She wasn't impressed.

I'd like a sewing machine though.

Edit: I don't like waiting for my nails to dry after I paint them. That one hour should be spent doing more worthwhile things... like posting here. :p
I know this much:

1. The appliance thing.
2. Spend lots of money on them, for things they actually WANT.
3. If they are complaining about friends/family/coworkers/etc. take her side no matter how wrong you think she is.
4. Forget about pride, two simple words can save your ass on a consistent basis: "yes dear."
5. Find the g-spot or die trying.

That's it.
a couple of good points there, mr. nad.

luckily my wife is not a greedy person, because I don't make alot of money. I mean, she likes the girly stuff but doesn't come up with greedy stuff, for example, when women say that since they're approaching something like a ten year anniversary, they should get a ring upgrade. I mean, I know women don't see it this way, but the ring is supposed to symbolize your committment to them and to your marriage, not a symbol of your hopefully escalated standard of living.
One Inch Man said:
3. If they are complaining about friends/family/coworkers/etc. take her side no matter how wrong you think she is.

Haha I do the exact opposite of this, but only because I don't believe in abandoning my convictions and principles even for her. Fuck that.
Calculus is easy, especially compared to women! I never quite got trigonometric substitution, but everything else was basically like riding a bike. Once you learn the basics, you can do just about all of it. Also note I studied calculus for two years straight in the late 90's. :loco:

But I didn't come here to talk about calculus (again)! I came here to discuss


Seriously, I'm a big guy and I take a lot of dumps, but I don't leave shit stains on the fucking seat!!! Also some of the dumbfucks in this office take a shit and FORGET TO FLUSH. What the fuck!?!?
haha I lvoe it when I do that, but it's even better when the log is too big to flush. Too bad it generally HUUUURTS when that happens, but the joy of having the next person who enters go oh what's that smell EEEEEWWWWWWWW GROOOOOSS!!11!!!111 makes up for it
Practical joke dumping no flush is funny yes, but the dudes that do this are geriatric, stupid, and never pay attention to anything. They literally just forget. The smell of a 45 minute old man dump session is pretty bad, something that nobody should be subjected to.