Royal Carnage - Invites BloodBath Fans IN

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Currently embarking in shaking the foundation of this graveyard known as Where the hell have all the quality sub-forums gone? Just noticed that the Katatonia forum is no more. :lol: Nevertheless, RC lives and thrives like a lion on the great plains of the Serengeti. We live by the moniker, "When it comes to soap, proper shit wiping techniques, and how to commit adultery without getting shot, we're on fucking point." That's how we live our lives, by that creed, and by 10000lbs of methull. Those fans of Bloodbath who actually have a set of balls between their legs would surely enjoy. Open invitation to the partay.

Up the Irons friends!
:lol: That escalated quickly

This guy jumps to conclusions in a forum where over half the people are the antithesis of serious.
Well, we are all assholes...and it certainly is difficult to decide if someone is being sarcastic or not when you're reading text.
excuse me guys, just came to take a dump, long time no see, new shitter, huh? cool cool :) ok, here we go.



best part of this thread was 2 things, how the comments posted by this guy have had nothing to do about music, despite trying to advertise music (dont see what adultery and bathing habits have to do with it), and the fucking katatonia forum is closed :(

im back bitches, with just as little sympathy as i had before